I woke up this morning to a “yesterday’s news article” concerning Bernie Sanders offering a “Road Map” to Joe Biden for beating him in the rest of the primary. His only comment is “Our main goal is to beat Donald Trump, and while I still feel I am the better candidate the voters want to support Joe Biden”, WTH is going on? “Defeat Trump” and “Joe Biden” are tantamount to the same person. With Biden’s poster board of the Billionaires Boyz Club in his cabinet, can anyone honestly believe he is working for the American Citizen? It is beginning to look as though Bernie Sanders was a “Shill” for the DNC after all and is only there to build support for whoever the DNC truly wants as president, not the CITIZENS of this Country.
The United States cannot survive another 4 years of the @RealDonaldTrump and certainly cannot survive @realJoeBiden tenure as President. Between either of these choices there WILL NOT be any U.S. of A. left for any generation. @realBernieSanders with his “Leading” younger voters down the primrose path will most assuredly be the sounding of the deathnel for America. WE, the citizens of America, Independent, Democrat and Republican, cannot afford another 4 years of the wanton rape and pillage of this Country of OURS.
Joe Biden does not give one whit for the Middle Class Citizens of this Country, he has stated that HE WILL CUT Social Security, Medicare and VA benefits. HE WILL DESTROY this COUNTRY from the middle out. After him, what ever is left will be cut up and divided amongst the wealthiest survivors. U.S. gone.
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