Things You Should Know About Dog-Walking

in #veterinary3 years ago

When you think of the activity of “dog walking,” you might think it entails simply putting a leash on Fido and taking a stroll around the block. You would be right, but dog walking entails much more than that. There are several things - some obvious, some not - that most dog owners don’t even realize when it comes to walking their dogs. Your vet Wichita, KS can give you even more tips on dog walking.

Front Clip Harness

A lot of dogs are frenetic and full of energy when it’s time to take them on a walk. After all, they’ve been cooped up inside all day and are excited to see what nature has to offer. This excitement can lead to them aggressively pulling the leash as you walk them, and this can throw even the most experienced dog walker off. A front-clip harness and leash is the best way to combat a dog that pulls you one way, while you’re trying to pull them the other way. The harness works by pulling your dog from the front, thus leaving them unable to fight or resist. For even more tips on how to rein in an aggressive dog while walking it, ask your veterinarian Wichita, KS.

Limits for Puppies

Puppies are still very young and still developing physically, so it’s best to not walk them far distances. A lot of new dog owners fail to realize this and will walk their puppies further than they’re supposed to; anything over 20 minutes is too much. As they start to mature and get bigger and stronger, they’ll be able to handle the rigors of a longer walk. For more advice on walking your puppy, be sure to ask the staff at your vet care hospital Wichita, KS for their advice.

Routine Is Key

One of the best ways to ensure that your dog gets used to walking with you is to stick to a routine. Take them out for a walk around the same time every day, whether it’s in the morning, afternoon, or evening. Also, make sure that you’re walking them the same route and stopping by the same places. Doing this will help them recognize how they should behave when you eventually take them to new, unfamiliar parks. Sticking to a routine will also assist them in remaining calm since they’ll know exactly where they’re going and won’t be unnerved by something new. You can find even more helpful advice on walking your dog at an animal hospital Wichita, KS.

Reward with Treats

Doggie treats are your best friend when it comes to making your dog listen to you. Keep some treats on hand while you take your dog for a walk; you can use them to reward Fido for behaving. Just remember to not be too generous with giving them treats. The last thing you want is for them to think they’ll be getting a reward even if they misbehave. To learn more about using treats to influence your dog’s behavior, ask your veterinary clinic Wichita, KS on your next visit.

There are certain aspects of dog walking that the average dog owner may not be familiar with. For more details on walking your dog, be sure to bring up the topic when you visit your pet clinic Wichita, KS.