VIACOIN (VIA) is very bullish because price has decisively broken out of the descending wedge pattern. This is very interesting because such breakout is not an accident and is the result of most sellers having sold and left the bar. That leaves none but buyers and so price explodes. The higher degree of trend Elliott Waves show 0.001981 BTC as target or 4.65x Profit Potential!! VIACOIN does not have a /USD pair; but when buy; I always translate the price to USD from the /BTC. At the end of each day, the net liquidiation value of my portfolio is measure in USD and NOT how many BTCs. I'll write an essay soon as to why it's a bit of a moot point to try and trade only to BTC with the only objective of increasing the number of Bitcoins.
Please consider reviewing these Tutorials on:
Elliott Wave Counting Tutorial #1
Elliott Wave Counting Tutorial #2
Elliott Wave Counting Tutorial #3
Laddering and Buy/Sell Setups.
Laddering Example with EOS
Tutorial on the use of Fibonacci & Elliott Waves
These Technical Analysis Books: Elliott Wave Priniciple & Technical Analysis of Stock Trends are highly recommended
@haejin's Trading Nuggets
Essay: Is Technical Analysis a Quantum Event?
Follow me on Twitter for Real Time Alerts!!
Follow me on StockTwits for UpDates!!
If this blog post has entertained or helped you to profit, please follow, upvote, resteem and/or consider buying me a beer:
BTS Wallet - haejin1970
BTC Wallet - 1HMFpq4tC7a2acpjD45hCT4WqPNHXcqpof
ETH Wallet - 0x1Ab87962dD59BBfFe33819772C950F0B38554030
LTC Wallet - LecCNCzkt4vjVq2i3bgYiebmr9GbYo6FQf

Legal Disclaimer: This is only my opinion, make of it what you wish. What does this mean? It means it's not advice nor recommendation to either buy or sell anything! It's only meant for use as informative or entertainment purposes.**

4.65x Profit Potential!! Damn! This is seductive. I wish I had enough funds to diversify.
Looking forward to reading this essayvery good analyses.keep it up
great, amazing how easy it could be sometimes
You know what's more seductive https://steemit.com/bitcoin/@haejin/civic-cvc-to-make-orgasmic-lunges-toward-target-usd11-26-1-137-profit-potential civic 1,137% Profit Potential!!
I just started following you and I appreciate all of your posts! Thank you!
Interesting I haven’t heard of this one.
Thank you Haejin, looking forward to your essay about measuring in usd and not btc!
I like most of your posts, but I have to say you're really stretching with these clickbait titles. JUST BUSTED OUT... on Christmas Day, 2 weeks ago....
Ya, I know you're laughing all the way to the bank with $500+ per post, but at this point I could just cruise random coins all day long and find JAWS OF WEALTH, DOWNWARD WEDGES, FRACTALS while completely forgetting about counting Elliot Waves, numerous CUP AND HANDLES FOR MASSIVE PROFITS!
Like I said, I generally like you and your posts, but this is getting rather silly. At this point it feels like you're looking for random stuff that vaguely fits a pattern, then breaking it up into a silly amount of posts just to game the system here on Steemit. The ridiculous alt-bull that we're in since December has meant that you could literally have chosen any coin in the top 100 to make 50%+ returns and been right on every single one.
I'm sure I'm about to be massively downvoted, but if I let that influence me I'd be no more than a hypocrite.
You are aware that there are over 1300 Altcoins on the market? And of those, Haejin is only writing about the few that have the potential to 'breakout' have 'jaws of wealth' etc? Those of us who wish to make profits don't wish to to hear about coins that aren't going to increase. You are criticising him for telling us which coins have the potential to increase- would you rather he wrote about the thousands of others that aren't?? Your criticism makes very little sense indeed.
Except for the fact that I was commenting primarily on the fact that haejin uses sensationalist clickbait titles and insists on having 10 posts a day that are nothing more than a paragraph and a screenshot. But that's what Steemit is apparently, so I guess you can't fault the guy for playing the game as it exists and maximizing his MASSIVE PROFITS!!
Choose one single coin in the top 100 (not the "1300 altcoins on the market" since you chose that out of thin air to bolster your strawman argument) that hasn't gone up 50% since the beginning of December if you want to make a point. Don't just kneejerk dismiss any and all criticism.
No one is forcing you to look at his posts.
Is it required to come up with dumb arguments when defending this guy?
I've said multiple times that I find a lot of his stuff interesting/valuable, and in those same posts I've said that his blatant reward-begging titles and post structure is off-putting. Apparently only praise is allowed.
everyone that invested into Crypto early 2017 (a large amount , lets say 100k) is rich by now. With rich i mean multiple millions.
Not sure if he really needs those few 100$ per post and keep in mind he also makes a lot of long videos that take much time, where he probably doesnt get anything from youtube)
i followed every single of his picks and made 6x of my money by now.
Many of his picks are perfect hits like i have never seen it before !
Everex he predicted 46728 Satoshi 1 month ago, yesterday it hit 47702 and when it was done it fell down by a lot again and is at 33000 now
Those that put in a large amount, had experience, and held are now millionnaires. I agree with you about Haejin. He has a 75% accuracy rate as he says, and he has a selfless side that I've rarely seen in others.
The argument isn't dumb; it's simply logical. But okay, keep whining as if it's going to affect the way he titles his posts.
I agree with you when it comes to the fact that all altcoins are bullish. Just look total market capitalisation. That is bullish. And look how BTC is loosing dominance.
So yes, you may invest in any alt in top 100,and have profits. I am not saying @haejin is not picking up interesting coins for profit. But it doesn't mean other coins don't grow.
Look up XRB, that thing is up 3000%+ in a month.
But what I am truly afraid of is that now there is a huge bullish market, that have risen really fast.
How much can this market rise before correction, that is more interesting question.
As @haejin had said, in the end, it is about how much fiat, not how much BTC, you have made. And that thruth may come unexpectedly out of fifth wave of total market cap uncrease like an orgasmic stream of FUD. :D
just keep in mind how many new people get into crypto everyday.. the market is just 3-4% of the NSYE (Stocks Trading)
this bubble is just beginning to blow up and it might last years before it blows.
when you put it into perspective compared to where the 3 count is... it's just busted out. Still a lot of money to be made, don't be hating
He may have clickbait esque' titles, but i have seen multiple predictions be literally a cent off of what he said. He is providing a real service to people here who have the patience to diligently grow their funds. If people havent learned to be skeptical about what most people say towards them, on or off the internet, that is not his problem. His titles actually seem like they derive from his own excitement.
Nobody gives a shit about your opinion.
Wow feels much better now
Hey are you still bullish on BCH?
Hey @haejin, what are you thinking about the regulation of BTC-mining in China ? I know you explained me that you don't follow some news, but I think the miners in China could effect the market. Any Thoughts about this? Thanks for sharing...
BTS Breakout also? :-)
Soon, still has to finish waves D & E of the correction
since my reputation has been damaged during the flag war, i cant upload any pictures :-(
But i count ABCDE waves finished for BTS with a small break out going on also..!
I looked at the poloniex/BTC chart.
Lets hope im right!
Hopefully the upvote will help your reputation a bit. Do your counts on the daily chart and not the lower time frame charts. It will give you a better picture. I for one would be very happy if your count is correct. I dont mind being wrong, when the price is going up.
Thank you very much, thats very kind of you!
And you are rigth, as long as we go up...there will be only smiling faces rigth?!
Time will tell if i was rigth ;-)
Btw, i did on 15 min chart. from 1st of januari until today...if i would use daily chart i dont see enough details!
The problem on the 15min chart is you see to many details and it confuses the situation, which is why I recommend doing your counts on the daily chart. Then use the lower time frame charts to count the subwaves within your Daily time frame charts to confirm that they are correct.
Thank you for your advice, appreciated!
BTS on the daily chart
The earlier triangle would be a good fractal.
I’m just wondering how do you predict that this chart is going to up until 2020. I mean what is standard? Or how can you measure it?
his posts are never based on any timeline (thats just because the time is always there.. he just draws his lines)
but those waves can come tomorrow, or in a year.
Always thanks for your great information :)
looks like a pretty wide cup
DON'T USE 100% POWER UP - You Will Lose a Lot of MoneyHi @haejin I see you are using 100% power up option. You might not want to do that. I wrote a detailed post explaining why, you should read it.
I understand that you are big whale but tell why you do it so non efficient?
But have I done the charting right?
And are there any alternative scenarios than end of correction during this week?Hi @haejin , what is your opinion on this chart of STORM/BTC at HitBTC exchange that I made? Seems like the correction is over, that is obvious.
Thank you.
I think it's more of an a,b,c,d,e triangle.
Good post..Thanks for sharing it.
Upvoted and resteemed
i love your post @bijoy123
Haejin excellent analysis as usual i have followed you since the beginning of my account ... Visit my blog please!!
That’s a good breakout. I’m not in this coin personally tho
Awesome post. Perfectly in creating post on bitcoin.
That is a beautiful cup and handle! I'll be curious to see how quickly this one starts to climb. Thanks as always, Haejin!
what does MANA there? going up?forming triangle?
you having excellence knowledge & essay writer,,
your positive action tends you to the following famousness!
always a great writer @haejin
excellence analysis, great writer..
followed you @haejin
Viacoin looks good for 2018 with its functions regarding atomic swaps, lightning network, etc. Not sure if it's gonna 'break out' anytime in the next few weeks though.
Another great post
If someone is busy doing some BTS pathways please share your opinion in my topic!
Updates in Comment Section
There are others pathways on tradingview.com.
Thanks @haejin for your continued work and inspiration....Blessings😇🙏
It was seen to come via always had that kind of patterns
Just picked up some VIA hoping for some profit!
Patiently waiting for that essay <3
Thank you!
Thanks for the info.
I always see them and I try to learn from themThanks for your analysis @haejin...
I got around to buying elliot wave theory @haejin, here’s to learning!
agree with you on this coin.
Thank you.I always read well.
Hi Haejin,
I really like your approach/philosophy to crypto and would love to start to try and apply some of your lessons but am not sure on the most efficient/effective platforms to do so from. (currently only on coinspot and usi tech (which I'm still not sure about)
So I was wanting to know what the program you use to chart with in all your videos, as well as if you can actual trade from that platform.
Two platforms that are used a lot are coinigy and tradingview.
You are one weird Dude, but hey, if you want to believe the earth is flat you go right ahead. Everyone is entitled to their own beliefs.