Vice Industry Token - An Industry First

in #vice7 years ago

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Hello wonderful steemians!
As you are all aware, the old paradigm of paying to consume content, or consuming for free with no reward, is on it’s way to the history books. With blockchain technology quickly gaining mainstream adoption, we see rewardless social media platforms being pushed to adopt, or fade away. The same goes for the adult industry.

With Vice Industry Token becoming the world’s first platform solely dedicated to paying consumers of adult content, we see the age old models of free tube sites and pay-per-view adult video sites, quickly becoming extinct. Just as with current well known social media platforms, why would you consume and create content, provide valuable consumer data, all while being bombarded with ads - for free? This is the reason we trademarked the phrase, ‘Get Paid to Watch Porn’

The adult entertainment industry, is one that leads mainstream trends.
Take bandwidth for example, it was the demand for adult content that drove the improvement of internet infrastructure. The advent of porn has driven cultural changes for decades. Getting paid for your participation in a social media platform is no different. The amount of users of the VIce Industry Token platform we anticipate, will not only create a new standard in the adult industry, but in the social media model as we know it. Porn has always been a frontrunner in emerging technology, and one that insures the continuance and widespread adoption of those technologies.

Why Deal With This? Source

With the start of the Vice Industry Token crowdsale just around the corner, we are so very excited to be the first to bring this technology to the adult industry. There have been many tokens to emerge recently, with claims to be the answer to all of the problems in the adult industry. Payment processing, reputability, immutability, privacy, these are all the things they claim to provide a solution to. But the solutions they provide, are simply band-aids attempting to hold together a broken system. Not to mention, that there is no need for a specialty token that focuses on a solution to a problem, when others out there already exist for that. They are not using blockchain to its fullest potential, they’re using blockchain to exploit the growing mainstream interest and capital flowing into the space at this time. They all follow the same old, convert your fiat to our coin to transact model. This is simply no longer necessary. We are using the power of blockchain technology, put the power back into the hands of the consumers, the producers, the content creators themselves. There’s no reason to be subjected to ads being pushed in your face to consume content, or to scroll through endless pages of search results to find what you’re really interested in. And there’s no need for distributors to scalp large portions off the top of earnings of content creators. As long as these age old business models are adhered to, there is no competition out there. And should these existing companies decide to convert, Vice Industry Token will have already established a network of billions of users, as well as the ability to integrate our system into their existing models seamlessly. The rebranding option that Vice Industry Token will provide to existing, as well as future portal operators and partners, will allow them to retain their own unique identity while adding the features of our rewards system, in a way that compliments their own brand. Harmonious integration, without the need of modifying existing interfaces, will allow for an uninterrupted transition which users will find familiar, yet refreshing and engaging.

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We’ve found that previous experiences with lackluster adult industry related cryptocurrencies, have left a sour taste in the mouths of many. The recent headlines of many crowdfunding projects, skipping out and disappearing altogether, once the funding phase is complete, understandably creates sideways glances toward emerging projects. We are fully aware of the common conception that most of society has towards the adult industry as a whole, as well. It is because of these reasons, that Vice Industry Token has designed a unique smart refund contract, to ease the minds of any potential supporters. If at any time, our contributors are unhappy with anything about the project, they will be able to receive a full refund. If they call the refund function for any portion of the tokens, the original amount they paid in ETH, for that portion, will be refunded to their Ethereum account. We want to not only establish trust, but also give the opportunity to purchasers who are early supporters, to use and experiment with the platform to ensure that the VIT network provides the features and services that they were expecting. This is yet another first for our industry, and once again VIT is proud to be a pioneer of this concept.


We welcome our steemian family to share their questions, concerns, and ideas as well! Just as steemit, our platform will be community based, and we look forward to input from the community! We have a lively telegram chat that we’d love to entertain your thoughts, and we invite you all to join in on the discussion!



While I like this initiative, I cannot help feeling it's a missed opportunity not to be able to participate using Steem, instead of Ethereum.