Not Apple Watch - A replica that's actually good

in #video5 months ago

Not Apple Watch


Here is another lookalike product I got from a brand in exchange for a review video. I've since given it away to a relative because I found it to be actually quite good. I'd wear it myself but I've still got my 7 year old original Apple Watch. It still makes it through the day provided I charge it to 100% overnight haha. I think it still has about a year in it before the battery gives in, or Apple reaches out themselves to end it's life as they seem to do haha. In the mean time, I'm squeezing every ounce of life out of it like I did to the original iPad, my first iMac and MacBook pro that I used for 5 and 8 years respectively.

Anyway, I digress.

This replica, aesthetically anyway, is simply called "Smart Watch". I thought that was funny. Even the font on the package sort of mimics the Apple aesthetic. To be fair, however, it's actually not a bad watch in its own right. It's jam-packed with features most of which I haven't actually tested, granted, but it runs android which is a good operating system. I'll see how my relative likes it after a month or so. The battery life seems to be amazing too. It hasn't been charged since receiving it and it's still going after a week. Obviously in that week it hasn't been put to proper use, but my Apple Watch would have died after a day no matter what :)

Curiously enough, the listing I found for this watch on Amazon has been removed. It's not "out of stock", it's simply completely gone. The URL deleted totally. This suggests that the item received some kind of violation probably due to intellectual property issues. I know Apple doesn't take lightly to its products being "copied" it this way. The scroll wheel may have been what did them in. That's an Apple patent. Unless you're Samsung or Sony, you probably can't withstand a lawsuit from Apple with how much money backing their thousands of lawyers.

I like this product though. It's cheap and gives you everything you want. Having said that, judging by recent events, one has to be careful about these cheap products and where they're coming from. You never know what's hiding in them.

Peace & Love,
