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RE: Flat Earth & NASA Debunked!

in #video7 years ago

since this is a more "appropriate" place to talk about this stuff, I'll just thank @fastindemand for responding, which basically reiterates everything that @mobbs had debunked about "flat earth".

And as for your statement:

See my reply to the zombie alexpmorris, he needs some real help.

Well, it only makes me question more your research skills, as I doubt you even spent 1 minute going through my past posts, while asking others (on a New Year's post!) to waste spend hours watching documentaries that have all been thoroughly debunked.

And since, as I commented to @mobbs here, such discussions tend to be futile...

great stuff nonetheless, though in the end unfortunately most people will believe what they want and find all sorts of ways to support and justify their worldview, erroneous as it may be.

... I will share this with you, that perhaps you will also appreciate, and that we just might both agree upon:

The Story of Your Enslavement -- Stefan Molyneux