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RE: Fraudci Flees As The System Panics That It Is Being Exposed By Chihuahua Walking Conspiracy Theorist

in #video3 years ago

I posted the other comment just before now.

Your opinion on why we flag things is out of date.
Join the hive-dr discord and see for yourself what we do.

I do agree that 2016 through 2018 was a different consensus.
Not near as broad.
However, the whales are much less involved than they were then.
The removal of the bernster made voicing opinions contrary to his much less hazardous.
Time was when he wiped dozens for daring to differ, now is not that time.

If you care to put links in freezpeach,, they will get looked at by the hive-dr group for defensive actions and restorative votes.

There is very little abuse for opinions since the fork.
Please offer links to evidence I am wrong.
I am not afraid of being corrected.
It won't be the first time I have had to admit that my opinion was wrong.


Thank you for the Discord link, joined!

This is another server to spread to ya'll's users, it is 'the official' hive discord server.
Any questions about hive can be asked in there and will receive a responsive answer, generally pretty quick.