Message from Papa Received by Wendi Lee 30Apr18 and 2May18

in #video7 years ago

Child Wendi Lee, write Papa’s Thoughts and record them as My Words of Truth and Righteousness. To the masses worldwide: why do you rage? My Son Yeshua has paid the ultimate price for all of you. You refuse to let Him show you My Way. You do not see what Father God Jehovah sees and to eternity you will be sorry for not accepting My Perfect Son Yeshua. You will be writhing in agony, saying, begging, and pleading with My Son to give you one more chance to repent.

Father says I see you My Lost Creation for I will give you over to your reprobate mind that loves every evil under My Sun. Regrets and despair will be your constant companion. It doesn’t have to happen this way. Father pleads for you to get under My Son Yeshua’s Blood to avoid My Wrath. This world has never seen nor experienced My Powerful, Angry, Righteous, Holy, Wrath. No not even the great flood will compare to what will be happening soon to this generation of fools. You will reap everything you sow My Lost. You have made a mockery out of My Son’s Perfect and Finished Work.
Father says REPENT for there is no time. You are on My Time of Grace. In other words everything is being held back by Father Jehovah’s Hand. You whom I will still show My Great Mercies to, for God Jehovah still loves you O Muslim, O Athiest, O Buddhist. You are blinded and the devil is devouring your soul. You worship a lie sold to you by the deceiver of this world. I AM the One True God. I AM God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Ghost, We Are One. As you are still alive hold out your arms to My Son Yeshua. Confess your sins to Him My Lost and He will set you free.
I AM not going to wait for this wicked generation to repent much longer. Repent for My Son’s Glorious Kingdom is at hand. Papa has spoken, The Daddy of Heaven and Earth, Yaheveh Abba.
Message from Papa Received by Wendi Lee 2May18
Daughter who is precious in My Sight, write by My Spirit My Child. Your Papa Daddy Abba tells all of My Children that I Will provide for your every need. But let Papa ask you this, do you ask in a haughty and prideful manner expecting Me to bless your sinful ways? I know you insincerity My Children. Father wants you to get in a place where My Son can shape you and yes He will break you. Either you are willing to receive My Refinement or you turn away from it. Does not My Word say to buy from Me Gold that is refined by My Fire?
How many of you has asked to be drawn closer to My Son but you are not willing to budge from your sinful, habitual ways? You must have a willing heart otherwise you will continue to produce sour rotten fruit. Father says to read My Word but why is it Father sees My Holy Word growing dust physically and in your heart? To know My Son Yeshua is to know what My Holy Scriptures say. There will be much weeping and gnashing of teeth in the coming day of My Son King Yeshua Ha Maschiach.
They will be going into their bunkers but they will be horrified to find that none can hide from Me. I AM Omnipotent and everything remains naked in front of Me. I will strip you of all your wretched pride as you stand before a Holy and Righteous God. I will ask you, why did you reject My Only Begotten Son? At that time after you die on this earth it will be too, too, too, late, your fate will be sealed. He who denies My Son Yeshua will suffer the horrible stench of hell fire for all eternity. Read My Holy Word, it is for yesterday, today, and tomorrow for God Jehovah changes not. The Great I AM is a Consuming Fire. I AM about to burn up the evil on My Earth. Father God of All Things and All Ideas has spoken to this wicked generation of fools and to My Son’s Remnant. Make way for My Son’s Glorious Return is at hand.
Take all of these messages to Our Holy Father. Father God Yaheveh by the power of His Holy Gracious Wonderful Spirit and in King Yeshua’s Powerful and Mighty Name. Take it to the Father and ask Him directly if Wendi Lee received this directly from Him, Papa God Yaheveh.


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GOD Bless...