Mission Statement | Our Time is Now - Part 3

in #video7 years ago


London is the world’s foremost Capital city.

It is also the world’s foremost Cultural city and the first choice of a second home for most world wealthy achievers and Leaders.

London addresses issues with the freedom and cultural awareness often lacking elsewhere. As is evident now.

The world is seeking ever more to access, block or sequestrate Elder's assets.

The Takers and the Fakers.

Ever more aware as victims for decades of Cabal and Zionist transgressions. Those Weevils will be stopped. They are yesterday’s news.

These funds owe no one. Nor is anyone 'Entitled'.

It merits only a conscious decision, as the sole remit of the Elders, with such advice as they feel appropriate, to determine how to protect, invest and utilize such funds.

They are assisting to address endless issues and prioritizing them accordingly.

The first step needs to be Political avoidance and to resource direct, such support platforms, as are needed to address and help selected needs.

Anything going via Political sources, is inviting misappropriation and failure.

Look, even now, at more UN arrests for corruption and Bribe taking.

Infrastructure support is being designed accordingly. Parasite free!

People will make it happen. Good people. Ones with integrity, an awakened Soul. They have no price.

The happiness in the eyes of a child, relief in the eyes of the suffering and destitute, when help arrives.

The awareness in the eyes of the homeless and dispossessed that the helping hand which came from nowhere, means they are not alone. That forces of a greater good are aligning with them.

Just to know they belong, they have worth, is the only currency we seek.

Values we can take with us.

Richness is ethereal feeling and knowing, this was a good day for our Book of Life.

We didn’t need to make a Buck. We made a difference.

Just know the purpose and point of your journey. Know - right!

As the New York Zionists will fund Clinton's political run for Office, irrespective of the gross established criminality and deviance of the person, Americans have need of another way. An ever growing need.

America needs to be represented, by true Patriots who care. Not more carnivores from the Jackal's lair.

We are currently rethinking Banking. As non-Fed dependent, determined to be Zionist free. Supported by vast gold, core assets. As well as platforms of Dividend payments. Opportunities are arising for a new fork in the road, the creation of Ethical Banking.

Fiscal, ecological, ethical, community conscious, involved Leadership. To nurture and build essential values, culturally and domestically, with sound roots.

To encompass being a living part of the community process, from the new births, to Healthcare and Welfare.

To mentor the new educational processes, planned sustainable food and ecology.

Sustainable energy and living facilities. Planned infrastructure needs. Work creation. Healthcare for all.

A big ask, a big task!

But getting the Foundations right is a start.

Money needs to serve a purpose and have a reason to be more.

People need to feel inclusive.

Planned communities can vibrate from the care within.

People need to make it happen.

Each need to matter.

Those who choose not to fit, need to go!

Ethical, sustainable investment, has to go direct to the source in need. Delivered by a Global Task Force of caring, free thinking individuals. Each recognizing the need to make a difference.

We need to fund a caring collective, of those committed, to reach out and change lives.

Putting back, not filling pockets.

As with almost all key project failures, everything which goes wrong, traces back to inadequate planning at the beginning.

Core, deep, meaningful planning is key.

Experience and competence. Almost all lacking in Governments.

It all needs to be addressed, a careful step at a time.

Building on successes. Building team delivery competence. From a solid base foundation, the networks will grow. Networking need.

Multi-tasking needs and understanding, but with humility and diplomacy.

To understand, not grand stand.

Giving back and serving need.

We need to do a reverse Einstein, to challenge the fundamental values and priorities of Everything!

To define what and even who, matters.

No more false Gods, egos or Fiscal Weevils loose with the core assets.

Our role will be to become Soul servants of those in true need.

New money still brings with it all attendant responsibility. The remit to do good things. to make right the so many wrongs, where possible.

But altruism can be fraught with dangers and posing chameleons.

With major funds, come sophisticated deceptions. As Elders have found, historically, to their costs.

Failed and reneged on redemption dates, to vast pallets of cash prohibited from use.

The Cabal and Treacherous Fed have short-changed them on every turn.

Now, having wasted and abused vast Trillions, earned in a one sided relationship, the scurrilous Cabal seek yet again to entice them into loaning Gold to underpin the hemorrhaging U.S. economy.

A few years ago they used the Wilfredo Saurin link to entice out a fictitious $15 Trillion by sleight of hand. Against a false Yohannes Riyadi series of cross fired bogus inter-bank SWIFTS, to create an illusion of capital balancing.

Banks, who should know better, compromised their corporations and gave more oxygen to this rapacious Cabal.

All that did was buy time. Cross firing always escalates the Debt.

No amount will now resolve the true insolvency of the Federal Reserve Hydra.

Yet no one dares face them down or the Naked Zionist Emperors behind it. So their lies cost lives.

The Elders have been guided to step aside and allow no interaction.

Instead to work with others conceiving Global initiatives which are Zionist free and will protect their core assets.

Also to remodel strategically designed long term Bank Investment Programs, bypassing U.S. interaction, and creating a whole new Dynamic of Global autocracy, but with total control and freedom of selective bank access.

Taking self-control.

Money fit for purpose and Ethical trading imposed.

People fit for Office and inclusion.

We look at our shared planet. What can go wrong, has.

Millions of years of ecological development of nature created this wonderful planet we are privileged to live on.

A century of pollution, poisoning for profit, is destroying it.

Where does the clean-up need to start?

With our Human ability to act is an appropriate suggestion.

Again, it comes back to Leadership and qualification to serve.

Empowering those with an agenda fit for purpose.

Those with a Cosmic vision of true enlightenment.

Soul servants who live in humility, but with empowered awareness.

One World of Nations has opened up a channel of Global communications of so many aware and awakening Souls, who each realize, we are ultimately only one nation, of all.

Who will plan for all nations as one?

In every nation is an ever growing army of enlightened and conscious Souls, each awakening to a need to serve. To do more and to give value for the privilege of this life.

Why? Because we can.

This is simply a world of We The People and it can only move forward, if and when, we all step up and offer to put back something to enrich this wonderful planet we have had the privilege to visit as part of our own Cosmic journey, which we each elected to make.

This planet is in our own Custodial Care and we really need to do an awful lot better. Because we can.

Who is fit to lead? Why follow those visibly not fit for office? Why stand idly by when the low life forms like the Bush's, the Clinton's and so many deeply odious Kazakh Bankers, who all transgress so badly?

Each in pursuit of feckless greed or the mindless mantras of such misguided, Abrahamian nonsense, without a mass public outcry of fury?

This is your planet and your right to be. You will only make this journey one time.

You are part of the very Soul of the universe.

You are an eternal being on a journey of discovery and dimensional exploration.

Your right, is to be Free!

You are each Star Matter and you do matter.

No one has an ethereal right to transgress against you.

You have the wonderful gift of this life. Use it well.

Enrich all around you, that is all you can take with you - Soul value.

Nothing lasts, so live for the moments and the beauty you can create.

Earth is awesome, and with it, each life form.

Look inside and absorb the very wonder of life that is you. Each a heart beating, wonderful creation of nature.

You are each living proof of the creation of so very much more.

Each Soul has its place in this living, pulsating, truly massive universe, teaming with life, as new Galaxies are only being born even today.

Life is perpetual and so is yours.

One day you will each understand so much more.

You are each, and all part of, the total universal life force, engaged in its own never ending cosmic evolution.

You each are beings of the universe and made only of the Star Matter within you all.

Every atom in you came from the stars.

You are a part of all.

So respect and value all.

You are not just matter, we all Matter.

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