Review of new wing Rook 2 Triple 7 Paraglider at Blossom Valley. (Video included) 1 hour flight.

in #video8 years ago

If you have been following my videos on YouTube, you know already that the wing I learned on is dangerous because of its age. I got a text from a friend and local pilot (Tony) who said "you should check out this wing". So I got the guys number and called him.

After a couple of minutes talking to the the guy (Phil) I realized that I had heard his name before. He holds a site record for flying all the way from the Ramona area to the border of Mexico! 6.5 hour flight. He did that flight on the Rook.

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I absolutely love this glider. It is night an day difference. If you want to see how it flies, and what I think of it in the air watch the video. Don't forget to sub so you can get the hot new videos before everyone else! LOL See you in the air!

If you want to check out the specs of this glider check out the website they have.

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That's a pretty long flight!

Thats why they call it Awesome Blossom. LOL Realistically I could have launched at 12 and flew till 7pm. Its really good during the summer. The guys say that you can fly blossom year round. The best time is Fall and Spring.

I watched the video on YouTube, nice and crispy sound to the fabric ;)

It is very nice! I love it! I have already put 6 hours on that wing. LOL

😻dang you're HOT!😍

He's the 'Maverick' of the PG world ;)


Why thank you little peach. LOL