I made a tutorial, how to make a Steemit account in khmer. It is my first time started to do it. I hope to get more Cambodian people join this amazing platform. Watch the video if you have any tips for me please help then it will mean a lot for me.
នេះជាលើកដំបូងរបស់ខ្ញុំហើយដែលបានធ្វើជាខ្សែរវិដេអូក្នុងការបង្រៀនប្រព័នស្តីមីុតនេះ។បើមានការខុសឆ្គងត្រង់ណាសូមមេត្តាអភ័យទោស។ ខ្ញុំនិងមានវិដេច្រើនទៀតនិយាយពីវិធីផុសនិងល្បិចសំខាន់ៗទៀត។ បើបងប្អូនចង់សួរអាចចុចcommentsដោយចុចលើពាក្យថា reply សូមអរគុណ! !
Thanks for watching !
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Steemit: @chanthasam
Thank you for video to help newer people in steemit. Resteemed .
You are welcome
You are really great that you are promoting steemit and helping people to make their account..really appreciated your work.
Very good information @chanthasam, your article is very useful for everyone, especially for those who do not know more about steemit. Thank you for sharing and success for you.
Thanks !
Thank you for sharing the tutorial how to register steemit, so later easily learned by new users ...
Thanks ! I love to do it.
Very good job my friend!
Thanks bro !
Nice good job @chanthasam 👍🏼
Thanks !
thank you for doing this! We needed it
Haha, you're welcome.