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RE: Fraudci Flees As The System Panics That It Is Being Exposed By Chihuahua Walking Conspiracy Theorist

in #video3 years ago

The website is a hybrid site, of #PeerTube and #HIVE.

  • The most impressive aspect is @kencode's work, of creating HiveTube, which is now getting hundreds of installs per week.

As I've said to you in dms, let's hope this translates to people having their own digital identity (a la Hive account).

I'm not saying what he's done is not impressive. It's good for him and maybe good for the content creator. But, I am yet to be convinced that it would translate into people jumping on Hive. There's not really an incentive for it.

A good indicator would be the comments he and others receive via HiveTube . . doing nothings and discouraging use cases for #Hive isn't the way imo.

You, @antisocialist, and @markymark are members of a cabal that selectively flag accounts into the dust for political disagreement. For years I have watched as people like @skeptic, @logiczombie, and now @baah, who do not plagiarize, nor wallow in rewards, who do not spam nor scam, are flagged until their accounts are unusable, and their followers and people that comment on their posts are threatened with the same treatment.

Why would anyone intent on voicing their political opinion come to Hive to do so, when you and your ilk are here waiting to smash them with the bulk of economic power on a platform that equates economic stake and the power of speech?

Maybe refugees from cancel culture would come here, if cancel culture wasn't here waiting for them.


Is peer tube immutable similar to what 3speak is doing?

Peertube is server software from Framasoft. It uses webtorrent, HLS and activitypub protocol to stream a/v content to client devices P2P (see "Fediverse"). It's not a blockchain, however if you install the Hive-Tube plugin onto a Peertube server, then the content can be monetized.

Videos can be removed from Peertube servers, just like 3speak servers, so those videos are not immutable. The blockchain that those videos get connected to, Hive in this case, is immutable.

Thanks for the effort you are putting into this.
Once we sort the rewards pool issues it should be smooth sailing.

From what I understand, it uses #IPFS and a #Federation system, where other PeerTube instances can host the content of any other instance.

  • So maybe yes and no.

Posted via D.BuzzCan you clarify @kencode, and did I get it right.

Peertube servers support remote storage.. S3, wasabi, minio, etc. IPFS is not recommended for streaming media though (even with our lightweight C-IPFS implementation) and afaik has not been added as an option to their server software.