No worries, I understand completely! I ask God for very personal, very "over the top" things all the time. And I really believe that (because he loves me more than I can fully appreciate) that he will ultimately grant my requests... and may even surprise me by granting them in my lifetime.
For example, the LORD knows that I very much would like to go spelunking in the lava tubes on the Moon and on Mars... ;) And to fly in a wing suit... :) And to paraglide... :D And to surf 100foot waves off the coast of Portugal.. ;)
Thank you for your kind willingness to be of assistance with respect to paragliding. I definitely want to explore this with you further, but at the present I simply don't have even the very modest resources you've mentioned earlier... I hope that will change, but I'm "waiting on the LORD" to provide.
I would very much like to come and watch you fly sometime, though... and so I hope to keep in touch and find a time that will work. Also still looking towards that Steemit meet up at some point. :D