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RE: Orwell's Ministry of Truth, Fake Viruses and Fake Wars To Distract From the Coming Financial Collapse

in #video2 years ago

Beef/hamburger/steak hasn't tasted like it did when I was a kid in a decade. I stopped eating corn 20 years ago and I miss it. All the animals will be vaccinated in 9 months? Can you imagine jonesing for an ear of corn or a real steak? I havn't found the 9 months in my research yet but I bet you my bottom dollar that it's the god's honest truth. How do you find this stuff out and what are we to do about it? Like how are you going to raise cattle on your ranch when they're shutting down the Amish and how can they do that anyway? Should be only through burning him out and murdering his animals and they would do that oh yeah. And how come there's all this farmland to be bought up by Bill Gates anyway? How did the farmers' lose? I'd like to hear more...but I know its true. So, this is the preplanned drought that will force us to eat bugs. Why can't the rich stop it?