VERASITY;A next-generation video sharing platform desogned to liberate coin creators and benefit viewers.

in #video7 years ago


Blockchain,secure wallets,internal exchange.

•Verasity Blockchain
We are developing our own delegated proof of stake Blockchain to provide a secure transaction ledger and power the verasity video sharing economy,digital wallets and internal exchange.

Verasity users will see their VERA balance in realtime,and be able to seamlessly send and receive VERA across the verasity platform.The verawallet is built into the veraplayer interface which will run across our video sharing platform.

•verafier apps

The desktop verafier applications will allow users to act as verify transaction and participate in the creation of new blocks as well as safely store their VERA offline.

The verapay component will provide the ability for users to buy and sell VERA easily.This ensures users will have a seamless experience when joining the ecosystem.

•Cryptophobics-and Cryptohaters-Friendly
Although verasity relies on a crypto coin to capture the economic value of the video sharing ecosystem,platform users don't need to understand crypto or blockchain technology.The video sharing website will be extremely easy to use and rewards will be convertible to other currencies

•Verasity for viewers.
View great video content.

Verasity's economy is designed to help viewers find the content that they really want to watch.Direct commercial relationships between channel owners and their viewers,ensure no third party can bias content suggestion.
Verasity has developed a patent pending *Proof of view (PoV) system,enabled through blockchain technology,to provide accurate,secure and auditable audience metrics

•Get reward for viewing.
Verasity incentivizes viewers to engage with the platform by rewarding them with VERA for the content they watch.
Advertisers directly reward viewers who choose to watch their adverts.

•Contact us at:Support @•For more info visit our website;# or

•CEO and CO-founder-David orman
•Executive management-Mark Ramberg
•Co-founder-David Rowe
•Blockchain Developer-levgen legorochkin
•Marketing-Danielle francis