You guys REALLY think that reposting a video from YouTube is worth $800+ ??
Edit: Yeah I did remove the monkey part. Do you really want to keep going on with this? I think this ship won´t go anywhere good.
In case you didnt get it already, my point was that IF the video had been created with the intention to be shared with the Steem Community (which CLEARLY was NOT the case) I would not have given you shit. But since you repost your clearly YOUTUBE created content here, and on top of that you boost it to $800+ ... you have to understand that not everybody is going to be happy with that move. Those $800 you selfishly gave to yourself could have gone to people CREATING CONTENT FOR STEEM (NOT YOUTUBE) COMMUNITY. On top of that you flag my comment, and say it is spam when it clearly was not, that really pissed me off. If you can´t take criticism, avoid social media dude.
Have a great day!
lol, they made their own video... so it is up to them if they want to post it anywhere else
A friendly advice, look a bit deeper into the channel before posting, these guys really put a lot of effort into their content.
We're not just reposting links. We put our heart and soul into producing each and every video. Many hours of work go into making each and every one of our videos. Between the two of us, it took between 30-35 hours of work to do everything that went into making this video.
The trending page is almost always full of junk that would turn off just about any newbie who might be coming to Steem/it for the first time.
I would like to see more creators pushing their content to the top, so the trending page isn't full of crypto stuff and other things that most non-Steemians couldn't care less about. If I weren't into crypto and I came upon Steemit for the first time, I'd probably be like "Nah, this isn't for me."
I think Steemit needs to lose the trending page. The hot page does a much better job of circulating content. But as long as the trending page is here, I'd like to see other creators push their posts up to give "trending" some variety and make the content here more palatable to the average person.
Edit: I see you now edited the wording from your initial comment.
Since in the video there is no mention about Steem/Steemit and at the end you ask the viewers to give it a "thumbs up" it gave me the feeling that the video was created to be shared in YouTube. That´s why I called it a repost. But it´s all good. I just asked if you thought that copy pasting a link with a very short description was worth $800+ and I got flagged.
For the record I did not flag your post.
Have a great day!
I downvoted your comment because you accused us of "just copying and pasting a link" in this obnoxiously large text, and then upvoted your comment to the top of the comment section.
Much like we'd like to see the trending page sorted by putting the highest-quality posts at the top, I also like to see our comment section be sorted in a similar matter. That's why we give upvotes to the better comments, and downvotes to spam.
If you remove the upvote from your comment, we'll gladly remove the flag because that will mean it no longer shows up at the top of the comment section.
Disagreement of rewards is Spam now? 🤔🤔🤔🤔
So you can upvote your content (BUY votes) to the top of the trending section ($800), but I cannot upvote my own comment with my own SP for $0.7
Smells like censorship in here.
Fair enough... I will leave it here.
Best of luck in your travels!
I didn’t downvote your comment because I thought it was spam, I downvoted it because: it included an untrue accusation, used obnoxiously large text that overpowered our comment section, and was self voted to the top (above those who left good comments). Good comments should be at the top.
Edit: Now that you've removed the upvote from your comment, we've removed our downvote.