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RE: How To Support (Instead of Suppress!) Simple Yet Profound Experiences In Childhood That Shape Who We Are

in #video7 years ago

It's amazing how many things parents say "no" to, how much we want to control things, and making things "right". It's amazing how much we stifle their creativity, their curiosity, their abilities, and their futures.

Thanks for showing a better way @quinneaker. Thanks for reminding parents that the future of humanity may lie in their hands, and that what they choose now will shape the lives of their children and generations to come. Your point of view is incredible, and the exuberance of your children is a testament to what you share.

The ease is so simple, and yet letting go of old programming and how we were raised can feel so complex. What people really need is this living example. Thank you for being that!

Another super power post!!! Keep them coming!!


Thanks for sharing shellie and for being one of the best supporters and friends of my children!


It is indeed my pleasure @quinneaker! <3 <3 <3