Something I've really wanted to find was someone who raises all different kind of egg-laying birds to do a taste testing video. I once found a video where a guy had like 2 dozen different eggs from various species and breeds of birds. I was so excited, he cracked each one on a plate so you could see the difference... then proceeded to dump all the eggs into one frying pan and make a giant batch of scrambled eggs... sigh. I know people say duck eggs are richer, but a little rubberier when overcooked. I have heard quail eggs are sweeter, but they're a pain to crack. I have also heard turkey eggs are naturally salty. Regardless, it would be cool to have a side-by-side comparison with several tasters. Anyways, thank you for all these posts and videos about different animals for your farm/home/homestead/etc.
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Hmm... I've got Guinea Fowl, Muscovy Duck, Chickens, and Quail.... I could try to put something together!
That would be awesome!