How many "secret Penatagon" reports have there been over the past 25 years? How hard do you think it is, considering you most likely would have access to "Top Secret" spy technology or companies that supply the tech. But what we should most likely be aware of is the "tail that wagged the dog". Of all the "Top Secret" documents, it just happens to be this particular document. If you wanted to let your enemy know you mean business or have "Plans" for an aggressive move against them, just "leak" a document. NOW, after all these "leaked" Pentagon documents, there is a "demand" for the DOJ to get involved. The same DOJ, that is comprised of a bunch of corrupt and lying executives, claiming everyone is a terrorist.
I can hardly believe that I already saw all this coming. The "war" is so big right now, it doesn't matter which side you choose, there isn't going to be any winners. To remove the other 7 Billion planned by 2025-2026, there needs to be some very destructive battles. The use of new age weapons is certainly on the table, but so is the old defender of a nation, nucleur weapons. That is the big plan. It has always been the plan. No more US, but no more, Russia, China, Europe, India, Canada, Australia, and who ever can be recruited with promises and rewards for their involvement. The US didn't sell Nucleur Submarines to Australia, because they were being threatened by a common enemy. It is a strategic spot. The Horn of Africa is the last continental area to the Americas, but for China, Russia, N. Korrea and anyone in that vacinity, Laos, Cambodia, they can't go through the Indonsian Islands, they have to go around Australia. Between New Zealand and Australia, or between Australia and the Antarctic. It wasn't a "sale", it was a deliberate effort to control that access.
This leaves what I showed several moths ago, and is partly more realistic because of the Earthquakes in Turkey. To much to eplain here, but a force from China, walks into Afghanistan and gets some US weapons that China already knows how to fix and can easily manufacture replacement parts. They hook up with Iran, Iraq, Saudia Arabia, Syria, Afghanistan, Kuwait, and more. Which would make defending the river at Istanbul very difficult, and is very likely to happen, if Libya, Sudan and even Nigeria. That would put a lof of pressure on Israel and Egypt. Algeria, Murracco and Tunisia probably would't be much of a fight if Sudan and Libya as well as Nigeria are in it. They already know that it's in their best interests to now get involve, or join thier Neighbor.
Mut imagine 10,000,000 From al those coutries that think they are now "liberated" and have a friend in Russia or China, are going to chose to be allies rather than Joins the US. 10 million is not impossible for China. They have beed recruiting every, thier only special way of course. Their Allies are already armed from the US Millirary vehicles and weapons left in Afghanistan. Russia attackes heavily from the North, Libya and Sudan and others protect thier flank. They get heavy artillary, the Soldiers can hide and live in the caves of Turkey, which all connect. SO if they can just send an army through a series of cave tunnels..
Just a pretty logical scenario. US comes to the aid of Europe and that allows China to take Taiwan. Then Hawaii and next a drug induced Californai.