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RE: Mayto & Tehuamixtle VIDEO ~ #rollthatbeautifuldronefootage

in #video3 years ago

Yeah, the drone footage is insane and the gorgeous empty beaches beckon for some bare footprints in the sand.👣🏝👣

Loved the tequilla differentiation segment! Bet the Raicilla went down extea smooth after being chilled down in the freezer! Hope you didn't leave it behind!🥃🍋🍹

Now that I saw the live video of the dinosaur oysters I think I'll stick with shooter size one. Yours would be delicious chargrilled served with a Voodoo Bloody Mary.🍡

You had make time to watching any of the NHL playoffs? My hometeam, the "Ballsy Blues", are still fighting to advance even after losing our best goalie to a hit from that dirty dog Kadri! @intothewild 🏒🚨 🥅 💙💛

P.S. Your mirrored shades are DAF!😎👌


I'm at the bar a good amount and most people coming in do so for the hockey games. I had 2 Avs fans here the other night when the Blues scored in overtime to win it. They weren't too happy. Still think the Avs are gonna take em out though.