I acknowledge it only as a rhetoric tool to counter your claim of god as a gentleman. Why don't you counter my points? Maybe because you can't dispute the logic of my repartee?
Yes, there is a bible, and this can be proven by science. Most of its contents however cannot.
Above all, those prophecies you speak of might be considered by some to have come true but I would argue that information bias plays the biggest part in that.
I can write a chapter tomorrow predicting something that happens in some later chapter. I can claim it was god-breathed into my spirit and than write the later chapter to confirm my prediction. This is not proof of anything.
The more I read the Bible, the more I understand it is a work of fiction.
That consciousness doesn't have mass isn't proof of god or a creator. The mind-hive doesn't have mass yet it shows more complexity than say a single ant could ever do on its own. This property is called "emergence" and it does not require a creator.
"The software is outside our time domain. It can be transmitted through the airwaves. It is timeless." This is a nonsense statement. Very Deepak Chopra-esque! It sounds fun, but doesn't say anything.
There is only this moment. Eternity is just a word. Before birth or after death a person does not have the senses needed to measure time.
Of course, it is your personal choice and I respect that.
You may pray for me if you wish. It'll have no effect other than to give the one that prays a false sense of accomplishment. It's a form of meditation really.
I wish you all the best.