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RE: Cannibals and Cabals: Different Strokes For Different Folks

in #video3 years ago

The hunter Biden leak, Bojo resigning etc are so they can swoop in with their AI governance system.
Great show and thanks for sharing your awakening process since many are awakening including myself. Our DNA is being activated which is why the powers that shouldn't be are attacking it through electromagnetic and chemical nets to stop people from ascending. These pukes knew this was going to happen a long time ago and know exactly what they are doing. They don't want our DNA to become fully activated because then they will be obsolete and their control structure will crumble.
Helluvah a time to be alive! It's like having lifetimes of experience in one life and it's intense to go through this much rapid expansion. We have one foot in the old energy and one foot in the new. Basically the old gaurd is trying to prevent the new gaurd from getting a foothold here. That's why it's so important for people to do the self work and develop their higher faculties so they can break free from the control matrix and create the beautiful life and world that we all deserve. I believe the spiritual mission is to anchor in as much love and light into the earth's crystalline grid that was taken over by the invaders eons ago. Not a walk in the park by any means but very important work nonetheless. Namaste 🙏