Today's video is a little different than our typical one. A large portion of our audience is people from the US and Canada who are considering moving to or traveling to Mexico. Most of these people want to see our every-day life here. How are things different from what we're used to? Is it easy for us to adapt to the new lifestyle? How do we go about doing laundry, getting our car washed, getting groceries, and so on?
In this video, we take you along as we run some errands. As always, we try to keep you entertained as you follow along on our journey.
After you watch it, comment below and let us know what you think of this style of video.
Watch the full video below.

We use this action cam to shoot our videos.
20 Questions with TangerineTravels. Check out @wadepaterson's

(and Laska the Siberian Husky) @sharingeverybite (Maddie) @shenanigator (Jordan)

I would also prefer more of your day to day activities. It is so much fun to see how you go through your day and the things you do. This is really nice and I mean that. More of this please.
Was that the same place you did your laundry in one of your past videos? I think so, because of that lady I saw and your talk about sock 😂😂😂.
They gave your car a serious washing. Hahaha. They did it like the guy very close to my office. That guy would wash everywhere. He always pay attention to details and this guy will collect just a token from you. I would wonder how come? This much work for this token?. They cleaned your car up so good. Good job.
Hahahaha was the green light not meant to make you guys move? How come some cars came from the sides? That's one confusing and careful road I must say.
Isn't Laska so adorable? She knows how to crack me up. Very lively and active dog. I like her.
"Gong that bell" and you did that with your head? Don't mess up your fine hair Jordan, don't. Hahahahaha
We're hearing that a lot that people would prefer to see more of our day to day stuff. We'll see what we can do but as you know, there are some limitations to that and things to consider.
Haha, yes I think that lavanderia made it into a previous video.
A token? Is that what they call the coinage there in Nigeria? They did such a great job at this car wash - such meticulous detail.
We have no idea what was going on at that light! It was such a clusterfuck! We really had no idea what to do and that happens frequently here. Haha
Laska was hilarious at the end playing peek-a-boo (a "game" you play here with babies, that you're likely not familiar with haha).
My hair will be fine, don't worry, I just got some new hairspray today ;)
Hahaha let the spray do the magic. Haha
Peek-a-boo, yeah, definitely not familiar with that.
No, by a token i mean little money compared to the efforts they put into washing the car.
I totally understand not doing more of the day-to-day video stuff.
Thank you for always attending to every single statement. You are adorable.
New lifestyle is like a total new journey and new goal in life. Change is inevitable so let's embrace it!
It won't be hard to get accustomed to someone else doing our laundry ;)
Soriana FTW! It’s one of the best Mexican stores in my limited experience (tho’ I’ve only used the “Super” not the “Hiper”). You might want to get their loyalty card as you’ll be there for a while.
Do you have a preferred store for groceries? It’s probably worth getting recommendations from local. Aren’t the markets always better for fresh produce?
Before this, we had only been to the Super as well, which is why we were a bit confused when we walked it and didn't immediately see food. Our preferred store for groceries is the markets, haha! Thanks for the tip regarding their loyalty card :)
The way you put it it sounds as Mexico is a 3rd world country without shops and a lack of water LOL So those who intend to immigrate are afraid to lose their luxury or?
If I tell my American pen-pals (all inmates) how I live, they all feel pity to me. Say even in prison they have way more luxury as I have (which I can hardly believe). Well I am dutch and I like to see/know how life is elsewhere as well. Thanks for sharing.
Did it really sound like that to you? Because that's not the way we intended to come across at all. It's quite a luxury to have someone else doing all of our laundry for us. We would never be able to afford that if we still lived in the US!
The way you describe it now it does sound different. It was the same with me.. in Holland I can not affird it any longer, in Africa I can... simply because people work for way less.. an amount we are not even willing to get out of bed... on the other hand there is nothing wrong with helping someone out with a job. I think it is partly, what I thought, influenced by what I heard or think about Mexico.
I love this viedo and your dog. For the Mexican public, we love knowing your impressions regarding Mexico, whether it's your adventures or your daily life. Even videos where you just talk about your impressions
Laska put on quite the show at the end of this video. That was really funny! Thanks for your input about what kind of videos you like, it helps us to know what kind of videos that we should make more of.
Hahahahaha really nice! I enjoyed it a looot!! Thanks for sharing!
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Welcome to Steem :) How did you find out about the platform?
very educational