Greatest Depression, Hyperinflation, War, Social Engineering, Plandemics… The More You Know, The More You NO!

in #video2 years ago

Greatest Depression, Hyperinflation, War, Social Engineering, Plandemics…  The More You Know, The More You NO!

Imbecile anti-vaxxers - go f--k yourself! (Howard Stern)... Screw your freedom! (Arnold Schwarzeneggerger… Anti-vaxxers are dangerous, make them face isolation, fines, and arrests (Juliette Kayyen)... Let’s Declare A Pandemic Amnesty and forgive “each other” for what we did and said when we were in the dark about Covid…

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Intro vid: Lauren Kellie - LIBERTY:

Elon Musk Wears Costume With Baphomet And Inverted Cross for Halloween called the Devil’s Champion:

Star Wars Clip:

Forgive, Forget:

Another Big CBDC flop;

#ElonMusk #YoungGlobalLeader #CBDC #Halloween

Check out today’s video..!


I've always wondered whether pedoHitler isn't telling the truth about "his son" dying in Iraq. Is it so unthinkable that pedoHitler has an "illegitimate" (meaning that he may have sired a child with someone other than his known partners, not that the child is unlawful, as there shouldn't be laws regarding siring children voluntarily) son? And that pedoHitler just keeps forgetting that he's not suppposed to be talking about him?

Jeff You’re an apostle ! A pivotal episode Brother ❤️🇲🇽🕉🌮

I got my parents and one sibling to buy Monero just as the Convid started. Unfortunately during the bull run. Still they have it now. Since then, my mum talks to people about my interest in crypto and incredibly she watches the market and sends me articles. I have had so many pensioner friends of hers contacting her to ask me if I can help them. So I do charge now. Plus, she would rent out her bedrooms to foreign exchnage students from Eatern Europe who are also asking me what they should do. So I charge now advice because it takes so bloody long to explain it over and over and becomes a drag if I don't get paid. But yeah thanks Jeff. I recommend Monero, Dero and Pirate Chain. Plus you made me some money in this too. It's also a good job my mum networks like she does and knows so many people because like yourself I really have become a bit of a recluse and not a fan of people right now. She is the one finding all my clients for me and then word of mouth.

Nice, my mom just says "you're going to lose everything" when I mention cryptos...

Yep, that's pretty close to what my relatives say...

I know what you mean :/

What is a good wallet for Monero? its probably not the best idea to leave it on Binance.

Exodus wallet is great, sending from it is super cheap and fast.

Indeed, and it supports a ton of other promising coins as well.

Cake, for mobile. & Ledger for hardware wallet

At 4:35, this Cameron Hogg guy: "I injected my wife in her sleep", he must be a bot! "It was for her safety, you jerk!" .... and then not grab him by the throat? It's good there's some distance in between. That's a pro of social media. Everything has its cons and pros.

Thanks, great show as always!

A fun one for sure 8)

I just read about Pfuckzer sneaking some of their magic anti-covaids potion into regular flu-shots as well. I guess we should prepare for yet another "dark winter", thanks to these maniacs...

Damn, I guess I'd be worried if I ever had been planning on getting jabbed in the first place :D

Ah crap, I wanted to get it so badly, but now I guess I won't xĐ

I think people fear truth even more than they fear freedom. It seems most people are addicted to their enslavement. Or they make it look that way. 'They', including alternative media.

No, when I think of Jesus coming back, I would not think of you Jeff. Max Igan comes close.

I think anarchy mainly is independence from rothschild and rockefeller mostly.

"Lauren Southern" ( its not her real name. Look it up) and Ben Shaprio are both jewish.

That's too bad, "Lauren" looks way too good to be a kike =/

Thats how they get the boomers

15:25 did anyone else saw the rotary club sticker??? Haha They are also freemasons.

People still wear facemasks in Ciudad de México? They must be NPC's. Ask a simple question to a sheep. Sheep won't be able to answer simple questions. In which state is New York City located? Just an example.

Where I live they will soon make it mandatory in all public indoor places again. They say this year the covaids will come along with the flu, so it's twice as deadly xD

My favorite was when they asked random NPCs in the USSR to think of a country whose name begins with a "U", and of course they couldn't think of any.

Uganda starts with a U. Soviet Union starts with an S. 😁
United States too. Hungary in German: Ungarn.
If I can't think of any more, there probably are not many more. I must have forgotten some countries...

Yeah, I mean they should have remembered the name of their own country at the very least xD

Of course...
Uganda - Ukraine - United Arab Emirates - United Kingdom - United States - Uruguay - Uzbekistan

I've always wondered whether pedoHitler isn't telling the truth about "his son" dying in Iraq. Is it so unthinkable that pedoHitler has an "illegitimate" (meaning that he may have sired a child with someone other than his known partners, not that the child is unlawful, as there shouldn't be laws regarding siring children voluntarily) son? And that pedoHitler just keeps forgetting that he's not suppposed to be talking about him?

I liked the last episode better when Jeff was discussing his lack of ejacualtions and 40x tantric orgasmas.