Immigration, Indoctrination, Inflation and Total Systemic Collapse to Begin on September 24th?

in #video2 years ago

Immigration, Indoctrination, Inflation and Total Systemic Collapse to Begin on September 24th?

It’s 2030. You call me for a ride to go see the ghost mansions of Martha’s Vineyard. I pick you up in my illegal gas-powered car and we make a bonfire on the beach with WEF-prescribed books on understanding inflation. Then we have a good laugh about how our social credit scores can’t possibly get any lower.


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***** Sources for this video *****

Intro Video: The Martha’s Vineyard Invasion Song by Chad Prather:

Migrants Get off bus in front of Kamala’s House:
~~~ embed:1570370810849775619?s=20&t=NsADpz-N1J-1vgQlPctHNQ twitter metadata:UmVhbE1hY1JlcG9ydHx8aHR0cHM6Ly90d2l0dGVyLmNvbS9SZWFsTWFjUmVwb3J0L3N0YXR1cy8xNTcwMzcwODEwODQ5Nzc1NjE5fA== ~~~

Lunch on the Vineyard:

VIDEO Charlie’s in fucking charge now: ~~~ embed:1570498787076100098 twitter metadata:VEZNZXRhbHN8fGh0dHBzOi8vdHdpdHRlci5jb20vVEZNZXRhbHMvc3RhdHVzLzE1NzA0OTg3ODcwNzYxMDAwOTh8 ~~~

German politician says on Sept 24 is going to be a major event that everyone on Earth will remember... that is Saturday. Monday is the 26th and end of Shemitah year and that is when markets would open, if they can

America’s First Electric Fire Truck Now Operational In Hollywood - it has a diesel engine acting as a generator to help charge the 132-kwh battery pack:

CDC Warns Rare Condition In Kids Could Be On The Rise This Fall:

Health Canada approves Pfizer's experimental COVID vaccine for six-month-old babies - LifeSite:





Check out today’s video..!


It's all coming down baby!

It is, be prepared!

'Migrants vineyard'; crack me up.

Site is working much better and good point about the confined animals. Hopefully, things are good in October because I plan on doing some work to my house.

Glad to hear it, we constantly upgrade and improve!

I hope everything turns out well for us. Your imitation of Biden is quite good.

How can anyone get to Mexico at February after the shemita event? All I can think of is just drive there I suppose.

Driving is a great option if you are able too!

I recommend crossing at Los Algondones - much less hassle than larger ones.

How they expose themselves, and they're gonna get ever worse at it. They're accidentally gonna tell truths on live television and such things, King turd having his pants on backwards while one of the squires fell over, dead, on live television. I would almost watch that funeral tomorrow, just to see how much they will expose of themselves.

There is a certain context to that German minister about the 24th of September. First of all, he said it in February. I think they had set a date at the 24th of September for making their decision on whether to prolong covid rules, or something alike. So there is this context to it. I would worry more about the 26th. The end of their Shemitah crap. Worldwide fiat currencies collapse, is inevitable anyway, might as well happen that Monday.

Has the bike plane been invented yet? All passengers have to peddle to take off and land. Flintstone Airlines: "Wherever the wind may take us." Raise the sails!

I can see a few flawes in a flintstone plane though lol :)

Note: September = 9. Plus 24 = 33.

I don't get it.

33 is one of those numbers they like to use. For that reason something could happen on the 24th. But I still think the 26th is a more likely date for shit to hit the fan.

Another note:
What happens to nuclear power facilities after an EMP? Electro Magnetic Pulse I think it means, is there any way to keep the cooling water flowing without the electronics? Why the iodine?

Did you know there's hundreds of types of potatoes? You can't have them all! Of course you can have a huge variety, but to have them all, that's only possible on Svålbard, at the seeds bank.

Next time, pick up the feather when you find one. It will bring good luck.

dude, how come both odysee and bitchute had the video before your portal?

Vigilante TV uses Peer 2 Peer technology to host the videos, so it may be that it takes some time for the video to propagate on the network before you can watch it.

This :)

That's not the first time. So I guess it's normal. If you don't have the patience, you start watching there, and maybe afterwards, when you seen it there, you can find it here, and comment here, after you have seen it all. Or maybe you will have to wait another hour before it appears here. Why not just be grateful for the free videos we get from Jeff and his editors for us to watch, and if you have criticism, let it be constructive criticism.

Can't be an EMP on the 24th bc markets wouldn't open on the 26th. I'm predicting Trump or Pope dies, or Temple of the Mount blows up/is destroyed or China invades Taiwan. Those are the only things I can think that would be that impacting. No one cares if Biden dies..... Or could be some huge false flag attack. But has to be bigger than Las Vegas, and various school shootings. A mass cyber attack would have to take everything down, still it would have to be back up 2 days later to have a massive market crash.....

Friedrich Merz who talked about the 24th September event used to be the representative of BlackRock for Germany . By the way, the 24th September is 9/11 in the Julian calendar, just a coincidence.

I saw the video which is a little bit longer. Friedrich Merz (the german politician owned by black cock) said that the date of the start of the war will, people will always remeber where they were. He said the wrong date/month (start of the war was 24.02.2022). Maybe that was just a simple mistake but it could well be a Freudian slip that implies Jeffs interpretation.

Dear friend, I understand that you can not check every information you received, BUT.. read the god damn picture first :)))) then comment about Sadhguru. Let me read it for you: "At the United Nations, talking about the importance of vaccines and how they have saved millions of children from debilitating illnesses across the world, Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev ENDS UP SPREDING THE VERY MISINFORMATION THAT ANTI-VAXXERS SPREAD ON SOCIAL MEDIA." Did you get the twist at the end? And again: the first part it's about the old vaccines, which maybe he is right.. not all vaccines are bad. Nothing in this world is all bad or all good. And about his position regarding the pandemic :

Did you understand what he said? "Everything that I have to do for this, I will do" He never say "GET YOU VACCINE!!!" Anyway... he is to big to speak directly!!! But you should be very dumb to believe he is promoting others agenda. He has it's own ;) You and Shunyamurty and other who speak the truth has a smaller community. You can say whatever you want!!!! Check what happen with Andrew Tate's when he spoke the truth on the usual media and reach too many people: INSTANT BAN!!! No bank accounts, no fb account, etc All down simultaneously.

Shiiiit! Jeff whistles like a weak-ass bitch. Man! Get whistling classes or some shit! LOL

Western secret intelligence services are not creative, at all! The Russians, FSB, formerly known as KGB, they use all kinds of poisons to kill people. Sometimes they even make the mainstream news with their methods. CIA and Mossad always do it the same ways, over and over again. First wive needs to be gone? Car crash! It's in the handbook, apparently!


Tesla; beware of shifty Musk.