We live in a world where the UK crime minister has a shorter shelf life than lettuce, America’s 2IC gets an orgasm about electric school buses, and the only place you’ll find “Science” is on a milk carton.
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***** Sources for this video *****
Intro vid: Tom MacDonald - "Sheeple":
(play until 2:10 at start, rest at the end)Sandy Hook Families Seek $2.75 Trillion:
Biden Can’t Say Numbers Correctly:
~~~ embed:1583153247149121536?s=20&t=5CDvSHqc4N6cGLS58x659g twitter metadata:Uk5DUmVzZWFyY2h8fGh0dHBzOi8vdHdpdHRlci5jb20vUk5DUmVzZWFyY2gvc3RhdHVzLzE1ODMxNTMyNDcxNDkxMjE1MzZ8 ~~~
Biden Speaks Gibberish:
M People’s 1990s hit “Moving On Up (Moving On Out)” accompanied Liz Truss as she took to the stage in Birmingham to make her first Conservative conference speech on Wednesday, 5 October:
Daily Star live feed - the lettuce outlasted Liz Truss: https://mothership.sg/2022/10/liz-truss-lettuce/
UK Treasury To Bail-Out Bank Of England's £11 Billion QE Losses
“...assistance to financial institutions - payment to the Bank of England.”
Treasury Yields:
~~~ embed:1582766823740579840?t=4fPurLAHdpbQ1-KcVAwsaQ&s=19 twitter metadata:V2FsbFN0cmVldFNpbHZ8fGh0dHBzOi8vdHdpdHRlci5jb20vV2FsbFN0cmVldFNpbHYvc3RhdHVzLzE1ODI3NjY4MjM3NDA1Nzk4NDB8 ~~~
Last 8 recessions Preceded by Inversion of Treasuries:
~~~ embed:1582550768791392256?s=20&t=xPhmTCYSY1d0IjCcB8LHOQ twitter metadata:Y2hhcmxpZWJpbGVsbG98fGh0dHBzOi8vdHdpdHRlci5jb20vY2hhcmxpZWJpbGVsbG8vc3RhdHVzLzE1ODI1NTA3Njg3OTEzOTIyNTZ8 ~~~
Historic Look at Yields:
~~~ embed:1582783336355102721?t=o5xVdFdso8yZ6iMzElWp0g&s=19 twitter metadata:V2FsbFN0cmVldFNpbHZ8fGh0dHBzOi8vdHdpdHRlci5jb20vV2FsbFN0cmVldFNpbHYvc3RhdHVzLzE1ODI3ODMzMzYzNTUxMDI3MjF8 ~~~
Credit Suisse Shorts Soar:
~~~ embed:1583608570561822720?s=20&t=JIGtEikO7Qy-4wQHWc29EA twitter metadata:V2FsbFN0cmVldFNpbHZ8fGh0dHBzOi8vdHdpdHRlci5jb20vV2FsbFN0cmVldFNpbHYvc3RhdHVzLzE1ODM2MDg1NzA1NjE4MjI3MjB8 ~~~
"I come from a family if the price of gasoline went up at the gas station we felt it," says Biden.
This is completely false. Gas prices were flat during Biden's childhood.
Biden: "My message to the American energy companies is this: You should not be using your profits to buy back stock or for dividends. Not now, not while a war is raging.": https://t.me/c/1264095585/28449
Kamala’s Favorite Party of the Bill:
~~~ embed:1582760243138007040?t=1t5go9_dstRjYwSkGrz2Pg&s=19 twitter metadata:cmVhbERhaWx5V2lyZXx8aHR0cHM6Ly90d2l0dGVyLmNvbS9yZWFsRGFpbHlXaXJlL3N0YXR1cy8xNTgyNzYwMjQzMTM4MDA3MDQwfA== ~~~
Stacey Abrams Says Abortion Will Solve Inflation Problem:
3D Steak Printing:
~~~ embed:1582748509047881730 twitter metadata:dGhlaGVhbHRoYjB0fHxodHRwczovL3R3aXR0ZXIuY29tL3RoZWhlYWx0aGIwdC9zdGF0dXMvMTU4Mjc0ODUwOTA0Nzg4MTczMHw= ~~~
Social Credit Scores and Credit Lines Based on Coffee Consumption and Uber Use:
"Privacy and anonymity are tricky issues, but it's worth it to sacrifice a little privacy for security." - Cecilia Skingsley - BIS Innovation Hub Director:
Sri Lankan Gas Pass:
~~~ embed:1581701602649731073 twitter metadata:SmFtZXNNZWx2aWxsZXx8aHR0cHM6Ly90d2l0dGVyLmNvbS9KYW1lc01lbHZpbGxlL3N0YXR1cy8xNTgxNzAxNjAyNjQ5NzMxMDczfA== ~~~
Aussie Bank Links Customer Tnxs to Carbon Footprint:
Temporary Isolation Pods
Moderna CEO Now Admits COVID-19 is Like Seasonal Flu - Says Only the Vulnerable Need a COVID Booster Shot (VIDEO): https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2022/10/moderna-ceo-now-admits-covid-19-like-seasonal-flu-says-vulnerable-need-covid-booster-shot-video/
CDC Votes 15-0 to Add COVID-19 Vax to the "Vaccines for Children (VFC)" Program: https://rumble.com/v1os79s-cdc-votes-15-0-to-add-covid-19-vax
That Parker guy is such a terrible 'actor'.
awesome content jeff like always
I'm surprised the Sandy Hook parents aren't going for $33 trillion.
Ikr? What a missed opportunity...
Not only is Mexico one of the most free countries in the world, but $MXN has been one of the best performing fiat shitcoins.
Poor Alex Jones.
Thanks, love the show once again!
did the site crash for you
Jeff , would love to see another Rap song of yours!
All the way up was really nice.
I'm starting to dislike the NPC's in this world......
"I sees za need fur a great reset. Owning nuthing, being happy, paying us a carbon tax while EATING ZE BUGS vill help solve zee klimate krisis. Fur more information, read mein buch called Ze Great Reset. Ze Vorld Economic Forum vill continue to penetrate ze cabinets of governments around ze vorld, vith our yung global leaders like Justin Castro in Kanada."
Lmao you killed it 😂
The new 'crime minister' in Britain will be just another flavour of disassociated lunatic.
Here he is as a 'youngster' scoffing at the prospect of having 'working class' friends. lol
Mexico can also be not so good. My "wife" (not married) was working in Quintana Roo state. She had a temporary resident ID that was expiring a few days before her flight back to Argentina, so she went to the local bureaucrat to have it extended and not become "illegal". They told her "For a few days? And having a return flight? No need. All is well." She then went to Mexico City and took a bus to visit a friend in another city nearby. Not long after leaving Mexico City, a police roadblock stopped the bus, cops jumped in and started asking for people´s IDs. It didn´t matter how much my girl explained that a migration official didn´t find necessary to extend her ID´s validity. They pulled her out, took her belongings, and put her in a cage for 12 hours, in the middle of nowhere and with no food, coat, blanket, phone, nothing. After that she was transferred back to Mexico City and finally to Iztapalapa, a district where there is a detention center for migrants. They kept her there for a week or so, until we finally got to the right person to do the right phone call, which required a ton of other calls and some money. The system can set you a very easy trap.
@7:25 That man Parker should get the Fake Grief Award of the decade
So, their 'new normal' compared to the old normal...
We still treat people the same way, but now we do it in public.
They call it the externalization of the hierarchy
Most Brilliant Mr Jeff Berwick ! Lucy Too ❤️
The Answers were always inside …
Thank You for helping me unlock
With a key to internal destiny
That simply requires ; Breath & a moment to be
One that is All We ! ♾
Jeffers, does it count as "a view" if I download and watch off platform?
Plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose...
I didn't want 'their' old world, and I sure as hell certainly don't want 'their' 'new' world!
I pity the chyneez people.
Thanks for promoting Sheeple, but I've seen better songs of his. Folks, please go back and listen through his first two albums. Amazing artist. Fabulous lyrics. Hopes he makes it to the top of his charts. Thanks Jeff.
Darn good Jeff. As a poor person, one thing I know is you can't get blood for a rock. These Alex Jones numbers are a fear factor. If you sue for too much and get a judgement for more than the person can pay you get NOTHING. NO-THING (OSHO). Rich people know this too. And Alex Jones for all his Big Mouth should know how to hide his assets so this is all about scaring the Independent Media and stopping them which is not going to work. Knowing this, it still put fear in my heart. But when I calmed down, I realized, Alex is stupid if he don't know Jeff and put everything he has in Monero and starts his own currency for his new show which will simply be renamed. Hell, he's done it before. These people aren't playing. Ever wrestle with a hungry Alligator? Yeah, 'cause you didn't see it coming, because just like these reptilians (David Icke type humanoid shape-shifters) they lay in the cut like a rock and then move like lightening speed. That's why we got to do what Jeff sees and move out of the society now which I am working on because once you in the fight it's too late. I been working on Jeff's ideas for 2 years now. Better get started people. All these adjustments take time.
Jeff every sentence you said in this video was phenomenal. If I was still working as a live control room network international TV Director, this would've been a dream show to broadcast to the world. For example - your Bruce Lee clip and commentary. I think Bruce Lee was like J.C . Michael Tsarion also quotes him. I live by his philosophy too. Phenomenal is the only word I have for Bruce Lee. I have his saying framed on the wall all over my house. Talk about someone who's saying can calm you down in this insanity - WHEW. Thank you for putting out the Master a reminder. People should read Bruce Lee. How come the greats get taken out by dying so fast. ;-(