Steemit/Dtube vs. Youtube
7 years ago in #video by tjkirk (61)
- Past Payouts $291.64
- - Author $233.92
- - Curators $57.72
215 votes
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- and 195 more
I think you are absolutely right about the money aspect being better. For example its not impossible for steem to be worth 100 dollars each in the future. Its entirely possible that if you have 10k steem you will be sitting on 100k worth of USD on your account.
Its very realistic you can become a multimillionaire from this platform alone.
With that said, just in case you don't know this yet. VERY IMPORTANT!
Don't fucking lose your password. You take that shit and you print it out and put it on a fire proof safe. Nobody can help you if you lose your fucking password. You can lose literally everything if you are not insanely careful with your password!!
This cannot be stressed enough. Make newcomers need to know about this too. You don't want to feel the pain I have felt when I lost a wallet currently worth 15-20 grand.
edit : Self upvoted for visibility.
Good tip. I am upvoting your comment for visibility. Hopefully everyone will see this and be cautious. The passwords and keys you are given when you sign up must be protected at all costs, because they can't be recovered if lost!
asshole-empire :D
It's a shame I can't resteem comments, because I would totally resteem this comment. It's that important.
plz upvote for me too and follow me back...lets help each other in earning steems
Really good tip!
Very good tip @thecastle!
In the crypto world, you should definitely make it a habit to write down all your passwords and keep them safe. also upvoted for visibility
Excellently balanced post. I have a few little insights to add that might be valuable to you.
@berniesanders is one of the biggest users on here and he's a very controversial figure (hence the -18 reputation), but what he's doing is nothing short of great for the community, which i'll explain shortly why.
Haejin has been abusing a system that allows him to do so due to sluggish development and oversight. He is using his money to generate $400 per post, 10 times a day, consuming a vast percentage of the reward pool.
This is technically not against the rules yet, but highly damaging to the community, the currency and the platform, so @berniesanders has been forced to take it into his own hands by making his posts visible as such so others are inspired to take part in taking Haejin down (at least to the level his posts actually deserve).
On the flip side, by flagging bernie's high-value posts, haejin is using up his voting power which gets put back into the pool for everybody to share, so bernie is kind of like an asshole robin hood of the platform. But until the platform fixes these easy-to-abuse issues, Bernie has to take a stance, as we all do, to keep this site's longevity
The second insight is that of Curation Teams. You share a gripe with us all that spammers are able to abuse the system with the right amount of money, and simply upvote something purely on the basis that it will give them some return.
Curation teams are groups of people who manually curate quality content depending on their focus: @steemSTEM (of which I am a manager) focuses on promoting science. tech, engineering and math). @steemiteducation is of course, educational. @ocd promotes undervalued posts from newer, struggling users, and @curie is kind of the big mother of curation that spreads its wealth across multiple communities. There are many more out there.
The more these teams grow and are funded, the more high quality posts are pushed up with value, and the spam is pushed down - something I believe is absolutely vital to this platform. Users who believe in any given team can partake by following a trail of votes; whenever we upvote something valuable, 40 other accounts automatically follow, in the trust that we do a good job (everything is public so it's hard to get away with abuse in this case).
The more we support these teams, the the better the site will be as more people strive to meet our quality requirements rather than try to sneak some of those rewards with thoughtless upvotes
Very cool post. That asshole-empire cracked me up quite a lot. I didn't knew you before seeing you on Steemit. I think I might have seen you before once trending on youtube.
I've putted together a a collection of "quotes" resuming some of the main ideas of Dan Larimer the inventor Steem. It's one of the most interesting thing I've ever read. I feel like you should definitely give it a try.
dtube is far better than youtube becz there is moneitization problem i hate youtube i worked hard for 3-4 months to make videos but when i got 2k subscribers they terminate my channel with no reason
Expect it to get better soon, TJ. There is a whole community of developers and designers (, solely dedicated to improving every aspect of the Steemit platform, so i'm confident that we will see a lot of improvements and new features soon.
Also I added you to something called GINAbot - it notifies me when you upload a new post or a video, so following you here is now much easier.
Steem on! and hail to the #asshole-empire! :D
Edit: Also I really appreciate you accepting my graphic contribution to your post. Your description of Youtube as Lawful Evil and Steemit as Neutral Chaotic had totally inspired me :) I might take this theme further in a future post of mine.
The platform is still developing and has a long way to go, but if we all switch to dtube, we might make a difference. #asshole-emipre
I agree, the uploader is buggy as heck. I tried four times today to upload a video without success. Perhaps it's traffic based. Anyway, hopefully they will develop past that, or someone will build a competing platform on the steem blockchain. It will be some time before we can compete effectively with Youtube, regardless of the tech. The sheer volume alone is staggering. @markrmorrisjr
I think that Dtube is really incredible as is. If they can solve their uploader issues, they'll be in terrific shape. Right now, it's the near-fatal flaw that's holding back their potential.
I think you need to remember that, to my knowledge, ONE guy created the dTube is his spare time. I think it's open source, so maybe other people are working on it now too. For what it does, it is amazing. I think we all need to be a little more patient and thankful for this platform and the people who created it.
TJ you brought me to Steemit and DTube. I started using YouTube and Patreon because of your recommendations, so I really hope this platform turns out as successful as those!
struggled with it in the begining but am getting a hold of it apart from that its a decent platform and i like the monetization , i earned more from one video compared to a whole year on youtube
I tried using both. I put Part I of the video on YouTube, then Part II on DTube to try to entice my YT viewers over to DT/Steemit. There's a link to Part II:'ve had a lot of trouble as well with the DT uploader and have gone back to YT, keeping it unlisted like you have if I wanted to keep it exclusive for DTers. You can always go back and change the settings ;-)
Here's part 1 as well:
D Tube is actually way more comfortable than Youtube at the moment. But I hope it actually stays that way for long!
Become team decentralized! D Tube is on the rise big time!
Can you stop doing youtube?
I'm glad to be here. My twitter is currently suspended for using the word cunt. Glad that'll never happen here.
#asshole-empire forever!
Cunts for everyone !!!!
Thank you tj , My name is Gail and I just watched your video and got a ton of information from it about the platforms, I was never a you tube person, but I am so glad I got a chance to see your content. I am new to Steemit and I really like it here. Thank you for being real and not sugar coating anything. That's what I like about you!
Thanks, Gail. Glad you like my blunt style. It's definitely not for everyone. I've gone ahead and given you a follow.
Support blockhain tech by using dtube to upload videos is great way to earn..
Unfortunately, the uploader wasn't currently allowing me to do so. But I think once they work that issue out, they'll be in pretty great shape.
Its going to be generally shaky as the tech is meant to be decentralized. That means if your video made money it will potentially be completely untouchable by anyone. Even if the CIA decided your video needed to come down it would be nearly impossible.
IMHO this is probably not a super great thing as I can imagine some idiot uploading a video that turned out to be super bad for some reason and never having the ability to take it down lol. Be careful, the shit you upload may never go away even if you yourself wish to take it down.
Hello Tj,
I like it here too for ease of finding one's work, there is less tags but at least you have more exposure for newbies like me, on youtube i would be barely found, and busted my ass on drawings for 6 months to gather a little less than 100 subs, and make about 15$ (i know it's not about money right but that is also a way to compare with Dtube) to be honest it's been 2 weeks here and i already have 54 followers (i know it's a funny low number compared to others, but wait) people can find my work more effectively here, and support an artist like me, or you, by directly upvoting and it makes everyone really happy to give around here, to keep their vote for good content.
People keep their most powerfull votes / monetized votes for the content they deem good, to support people, that's really very nice. And to make that "monetization" comparison, for little artist / beginners like me on this platform, i'm getting almost a full income that will help my mother a lot (as i'm disabled and she takes care of me for a long time, we have not a lot of money here and i allways feel like i owe her.)
But i understand all the concerns you are uplifting and pointing at on your video. I didn't think i could be this popular anywhere... People are commenting with heart and love on my posts and that's really meaning a lot to me, when i was getting very few / almost no comments on youtube as it hides and bury your posts or videos.
Thank you for supporting the growth of this platform, don't hesitate to make a video about Steemit on your youtube channel it would help Steemit growth ^^ (i realize i'm stupid, it's a youtube video embedded in the article ! YAY TJ !! thanks for getting the word out there !! )
Dude's reppin D&D alignments on a Dtube vid has a lot of potential. Let's wait a few months and see how it develops.
Is dtube app is available on play store for android?
I also want to know this.
I've tried everything to get Dtube to work for me. Even gently, caressingly, lovingly stroking Dtube with Google searches, FAQs, and carefully worded pleas for help on Steemchat. But, alas, my love remains unrequited.
Oh, if I were but only allowed the sweet embrace of this buggy-ass wanna-be YouTube...
I'm not sure what your coding to, but I've had a lot of luck with h.264 720p 30fps.
I think that I've made the most basic of errors that a Steemian can make. I'm one of the few here who don't care about the Steem. I made a complaint as a CONSUMER, rather than a
fatcatcurator. I just want something to... ugh, "CONSUME"Yes, we actually exist... reddit and youtube are looking less and less like the alter-alternative. It sucks to actually consider going back to the old suck.
Soooooo tired of Steemit being completley made of sales-convention-like, disengenous, wantrepeneurs.
No offense. Just venting. Just tired of everything here being defined for those here to produce, rather than those of us who are here just to watch, read, and enjoy.
I feel you. I have the same experience as of now. Loading forever - but I hope and guess it will be better.
Fun fact, if a video isn't working for you on dtube, right click on the player and choose "save video as" to download and watch offline. ;)
I can see I'm not alone is having upload issues with DTube.
I hope that DTube can fix their interface, as I would love to watch YouTube, Twitter and Facefuck all die in their SJW censorship.
Very interesting. Does anyone know where this money comes from though?
I love this. Your freedom of speech. Your composure. All marvelous
I completely agree youtube with its ever changing nonsense has turned into a drab miserable shit show. I have also found that a tremendous amount of content if you want to call it that, is basically just people bashing each other or coming up with more and more click bait titles. Fukutube!
Yeah.. You always earn here. I've been trying to upload a video on dtube for a while to no avail. In fact i gave up trying agtrr much frustration. Dtube should work more because the traffic of videos will soon be massive. Si that you don't discourage people from posting videos
I agree with this...nice post very helpful
At the end of the day we have to open Tube.
Whatever it is which tube you opened.
After that satisfaction is over.
I'm hoping that this site doesn't turn out like did, as I'm hoping it'll be something that can at least work sustainably and support people like you. You're one of my favourite content creators, and I don't like seeing you getting fucked in the ass like this (at least not by Youtube).
plz upvote for me too and follow me back...lets help each other in earning steems
click here.Congratulations @tjkirk, this post is the second most rewarded post (based on pending payouts) in the last 12 hours written by a Dust account holder (accounts that hold between 0 and 0.01 Mega Vests). The total number of posts by Dust account holders during this period was 13112 and the total pending payments to posts in this category was $3359.75. To see the full list of highest paid posts across all accounts categories,
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(10:07), Youtube is an Draconian, Fucking Nightmare. That's so funny and very fitting... I also hope they're able to put that on their gravestone once their 1.5 Billion users migrate over to us.... Lol...
I’ll be posting a lot more to d tube soon about fitness mainly an abit about crypto ! Any questions fire away!
Apparently my Minecraft series is too controversial, because they were demonetized before my whole account was. XD
I love DTube and I do whatever it takes to make it a success. #FuckYouTube they removed my account and I lost 110k subscribers because according to them reading statistics is HATE SPEECH. Just like making fun of STREET LIGHTS
A very fair review. It will be interesting to see whether the community vote process is a good tool for bringing good content to the top and pushing bad content to the bottom.
And as for the DTube Uploader: It's true that its terrible compared to the YouTube version, but it should be noted that the technology used for distributing the video is vastly different.
Not saying that it's a good excuse though. It's certainly decentralized (which is great), but it's also not as reliable.
I'm glad to be around for this little experiment. Hopefully this grows to become a strong alternative to the big streaming sites out there, rather than going the way of things like Vid.Me. The recent trend in stifling free speech has me extremely concerned, and I'm glad to see at least concerted effort put forth towards places that safeguard that right and provide a platform for many opposing views. Concerns with abuse aside, fuck yeah, let's do this shit.
Great video. Thanks for sharing.
Good job man.
Thanks for the informative video. I've been slowly working to create meaningful and authentic content on YouTube. Was just about to collect on my first check when I was informed that my channel no longer qualifies for monetization. It's totally more trouble than it's worth in terms of earning a little extra money.
ahahah your video is awesome dude!!! Really liked it!
Welcome to Steemit TJ! You earn another solid follower!
there is a way to upload videos to quickly without long waiting.
I just watched a video explaining how to do so but unfortunately it's in German.
It explains how you upload directly to the IPFS network. Of course you need the right formats (480p) but that's easy because youtube can do that for you - just download that format from youtube. It's the transcoding which makes so slow and using youtube for that might be a simple solution.
Also is working on a desktop application which does exactly what is explained in the video to make the upload more comfortable / quicker.
Take care and happy steeming.
Here the link to the German video. Perhaps you can find an English version somewhere.Hi @tjkirk,
Damn who was that asshole at the top of the comments?!?!?
Must have been a proud member of the #asshole-empire