Worht to see all
"Socialist Delusional Disorder" (SDD) :
Refers to a condition associated with one or more delusions of thinking and expressing irrational beliefs dry as:
- That equality exists and if not we schould use power of state
- Wage gap / difference in ernings in modern countries exists because of sexism (also in sport)
- Freedom of speach is less important then someones feelings
- Social justice is not socialism and stealing
- Multiculturalism and immigration is great in any conditions and in any amount
- Patriarch and Male Privilege exists in modern countries and it is a big issue
- That socialism works in Sweeden
- That white privelage exists
- Facts and numbers are racists
- Government should solve all the problems
- Everything especialy all people that have different opinion are racist, homophobic, islamophobic, ...all ...phobic
- Socialists can build better world
- Responsibility for the economic crisis are private banks and free market
- ... the list can be much longer :)
Films of people that fight for free speach and they crush all this lies:
(worth to see all thanks to that you will be on side of facts)
Please write in comments with one is the best for you
1 Patriarch and Male Privilege 6min:
25 men bullshitting about male privilege | part 1 and 2
full 1:28h details and statistics it is worth to know them and never be lied again by the media:
2 Wage gap - why it is not sexism
longer films 14min and 16min :
3 White privelage - people don't care about your feelings
Larry Elder MUST SEE 22min:
Ben Shapiro:
4 Ronda Rouse about pay gap in sport
5 The Myth of Scandinavian Socialism
6 The Truth About Illegal Immigrants in USA
7 Free speach for George Carlin - Political Correctness is fascism
on sceen:
John Cleese: Political Correctness Can Lead to an Orwellian Nightmare
A Progressive's Guide to Political Correctness 5min
Milo Yiannopoulos 1:28
This is What "Political Correctness" Has Done to Our Society (Funny 1992 Sketch)