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RE: Men Being Helpful Is Not Sexist

in #video6 years ago

I also call the times human beings have gone through until today dangerous. We might have overcome some dangers in some part of the world yet we have created new ones. Now we have to face them as a planet earth community. This is something totally new and I think in the process of this we have to let go of a lot of the things we identify with. Gender is dangerous for me for example because identifying with the female gender can easily get me emotionally involved because of historical and current crimes commited on females. But it does not help if we only sympatize with the group of people we can easily identify with. But I can totally understand that it seems a bit far out. I just wish for a peaceful world where people focus on healing the ecological crisis. Yet we are still to hurt about the psychological issues we caused in each others in the centuries of getting more conscious to be strong enough to overcome them yet. If we could that would make us an even more intelligent species I guess.


Humans can be wonderful and horrible. I don't think gender has that much to do with it, though the media will tell us differently.

I just posted about this in Men Don't Have A Monopoly On Violence - The Myth Of Female Innocence

The idea that only women are victims is a false one. It gets back to the idea we were discussing, that humans are humans and are capable of greatness and deviousness. I don't see it as a gender specific issue.