Steam Backlog

in #videogames8 years ago (edited)

Hello again,

Hope that you've been well. I have had my ups and my downs but that's not the point of this story. I built my computer especially for PC gaming. I have always been a fan of various genres of games. It has always been a habitual waste of time and sometimes it produces some of the coolest memories or introductions to other great storytelling or a nifty new way to combat an oft overused mechanic.

I have lots of time on my hands more often than not and between taking care of various farm animals to cleaning my house or completing a new project...I seem to be a habitual collector of games I never play on Steam. I plan to start playing through some of the backlog:

It really doesn't help that I try to snag every Humble Bundle that I see and subscribe to the Monthly Bundle also. Steam sales are a tough time on my wallet...

In any case, I plan to start downloading, playing and reviewing some of the backlog so I don't end up with 253 games and another 510 hours in Fallout 4. Here's to seeing you on the other side!


Nice Job!
Keep the good work up!
Thanks for sharing@discusdiscus

That's a great idea. I need to do the same thing. I stopped buying Steam summer sale games for this exact reason.

I think I need a 12 step group on how not to keep buying games. "Hi. My name is DiscusDiscus and I've been clean for 8 minutes. Nope, nevermind just bought another cheapie game on Steam."

Im Just here for the up votes :) lol