Surviving a Knife Fight

in #videos8 years ago

Knife fights are violent confrontations between two or more people, with at least one person armed with a knife. Scary thing is, knife fights don't usually carry out the way they do in movies and tv. The assailant or attacker usually in circumstances acts fidgety and fast, going for many fast repeated jabs, swipes or stabs.

Soon ill be posting a scripted, directed, fictional video of how a knife fight could play out. (KNIFE NOT REAL) this isn't to scare You, it's to see what can happen. (Not saying anything will) -videosbyjosh


I don't really like the Knife fights.. because sometimes which lead to the dead of the person. And Good luck for the video..

Me neither. They are gruesome. But hopegully i can shed some light on them and spread some info about them.