Meme the News- 4/12/18

in #vietmeme7 years ago

Well, it's that time again. Let's go check out some memes and see what's happening in the world today!

Cryptos up

Steem is up!

hidden messages in Trump Tweets?

Possible explination for staged gas attack?

Approved fact checkers... that's totally fucked

Friends in high places


Show me where

Is this where?

How did office fire's destroy the steel structure of Building 7?

where's the plane?

Not normal to do this to kids

What are they driving all over?

Don't want you kids getting Hep-B from fucking prostitutes do you?

it seems that way

useful difference

Clinton map

Why so many sealed indictments?

I seen this one before


Cosby protestor

was on the show

Learning through life

What we do

Mass Shooting form!

Rumor is he's a Rockefeller. Hardly plucked from obscurity

War is bad. We should stop being involved in them all the time

Black Lives Matter M8

New Meta- News Summary Meme in News Summary Meme page

Yes she is


You are a real asset to the Steemit community. :)
JoyThanks for the great post and the links. Truth hurts but then it is refreshing. Thanks @aggroed

Agradecida por la información. Interesante Post.

US again sticking their nose in other countries business. Based on Trump's insanity Assad will end up like Mubarak Hosni and Gadafi. After Gadafi's murder Lybia had a downgrade in all segments. The Syrian situation is so complicated, it's hard to keep track who fights against who anymore.

this is a good news ..all news in a one channel

thanks for sharing! i will start following your exciting posts! Checkout my posts as well