So... what's happened yesterday you ask? Didn't have 4 hours to watch or read the news? Here it is presented in brief.
Delta airlines... why so many problems right now?
Seems like they are dragging eachother down
That change means it's legal to make fake news on American soil
He's going to guantanimo
Why not both?
You should know who these people are
I bet there's some truth to this
Not sure it was worth it... You know they are selling human slaves on the streets of Libya right?
Mr. Smith
Free Assange!
Get it? Cause he's a Lizard!
The legal system is there to abuse you too
The triple crown!
Sex and LSD and some creepy voyeurs?!? Where do i sign up?
Not gonna be on the mainstream media any time soon
This is the board for the people that have the rights to drill in the golan heights...
Always a bigger asshole
False Flag. Say it with me.
She kinda looks like a Bush to me
That's gonna be a shitty May for her
Wow the before and after pics of these countries in war are frightning...
man i love this meme the news! its like the daily show and colbert report rolled unto a timeline!
The "Genie Oil" advisory board is stunning. See who Larry Summers rubs elbows with. He was Sheryl Sandberg's mentor. See where Sheryl Sandberg is now?
really regrettable
What a great collection :)
very nice collection, specially the "Free Assange!"
Syria's difficult. So much disinformation. The problem with fighting this extent of corruption is you have to work within that system. We will have to wait and see how this one works out. The most important thing is to get America cleaned up which is happening quick. Remember the omnibus, two bad choices. Had to pick the best option. Your not going to pull the plug on the swamp without getting your hands dirty.
What makes you think politicians ever make the right decisions... or the rich?
Tongue in cheek.... All of the Above
The most telling picture - if the liberals and republicans that scream for war day in day out can't stand back and contemplate that... - are the before and after fotos of once thriving cities.
Prosperity, economic growth, happiness replaced with misery, destruction and death. But Mad-adeline Neverright says: It's worth it. 500,000 dead children - worth it? The evil that ravages the Middle East is the same that seeks to destroy the west.
Jesus said:
Matthew 12:26
And if Satan cast out Satan, he is divided against himself; how shall then his kingdom stand?