We got your salty memes. They will infect your brain. They will cause you to think about things differently. The world isn't as it seems!
No liability, violence first
The delta
That'll save us
Two dirty teams?
This is more honest
Seems less white or not and more armed or not
Nice role model
I know you feel it
Nestle in the news again
I happen to think Al and F cause harm
Like a boss
We're such panzies
Too Soon!
But, muh Nationialism!
MLK- It's systemic because it needs to be to support the system!
2A rallies at a capitol near you
It's for "Democracy"
It's like the Ghandi line, but with a twist
I saw this, but then I saw another town is banning "assault rifles" and nothing happened
Time to ban bomb London for their historic use of chemical weapons. We should probably bomb ourselves too for dropping nukes on civilians.
Fining the homeless. That'll solve it!
Saw some new Israel vs Palestine memes after they shot and killed so many
Gun Laws
President in exile released... interesting
So much bullshit these days
Seems like less chance for abuse
Lol, it hurts me in my feelz, but NO ONE wants to see me naked!
Little Potato!!!
Safety lesson
Seems legit
Bet there are some conflicts there
HRC was a patent attorney. Maybe there's something here.
This is where truthers go when they get too close
My wife is always trying to get me to do more chores around the house.
One of my buddies made this "meme" of me for her, that she loved so much she turned it into a magnet that's a been on the fridge since.
Your lead pic made me think of it immediately so I thought I'd share.
Still cracks me up.....speaking of chores, could you go get the garbage can out of the road and bring it back up to the house....thanks.
XoXo ~Your Wife.
I am dead laughing
thanks for sharing this posts thanks:D
That is how it happening exactly
He he he.. This quite hilarious.
Actually, the 'terrorists' who killed 12 (this is low) were hired by our fine CIA and FBI
But, where does the aluminum come from? Answer: the sky. View the link and look up at the sky.
Orchestrating a plane crash seems to be one of the CIA's favorite methods of eliminating witnesses and problem citizens. Other common methods are suiciding, car wrecks, and drug overdose. Of course, all of these are covered up and made to look like an accident or suicide.
You didn't honestly believe that Prince's Fentanyl overdose was accidental, did you? He also spoke out about 911 truth, and his message reached the ears of millions. Deep state does not like that.
Curated for #informationwar (by @truthforce) Relevance: Big #memewar post