Meme the News 5/23/17 Thick skins only on this one...

in #vietmeme8 years ago (edited)

Whole articles? Ain't nobody got time for that! That's why Y'all need Meme the News. Memes are salty. Think before you scroll. I don't stand behind every meme here. They are all presented as food for thought!

Special note- This one has Manchester memes by a large number of people who believe it was a false flag event. I think many false flags happen. This may be one. I don't make up my mind on these very quickly. See what you think. I've placed them at the bottom so if you're not interested in seeing some things that might be extremely upsetting you've at least been warned.


Authorities rehearsed attack weeks before-

"Curiously, there isn't an injured child to be found in this picture of the Manchester bombing. At this point, with what we've seen so far, I would say the following is most likely what occurred:

  1. A drill was taking place in part of the foyer at Manchester Arena.
  2. A training drill for this event took place in Manchester last year.
  3. The doors from the arena to that part of the foyer were shut. Likewise, doors from the foyer to the outside were shut and inaccessible from the outside.
  4. An explosive sound was played over the loudspeaker at the concert. A similar trick was used at the soccer stadium in Paris during the Bataclan attacks. A second "explosion" took place outside in a controlled environment such that those in the area could hear it and feel the vibrations.
  5. People inside the arena were confused as to whether the sounds were a microphone dropping or balloons popping. Some even thought it was a joke. This is because the noise came over the loud speaker. You wouldn't be mistaken if a large bomb detonated near you and confuse the sound. Further, the concert was over so the loud speakers were open for use at that time.
  6. Once again we see the use of kids in propaganda such as this. The kids in the arena, none of which were hurt, will be paraded around for the upcoming UK election as victims of an ISIS terrorist attack.
  7. Pitiful crisis actors were once again used and told conflicting tales.
  8. As expected, we see zero exploded bodies and zero blown off limbs. Further, the only person I have heard that reported blown off limbs was a homeless man who was likely paid a small sum for his "girl with two blown off legs story". Note that there are no blown off legs or little girls in this picture.
  9. The above picture reminds me of the one still picture we saw to prove there were dead within the Bataclan theatre.
  10. Cell phone video is almost entirely absent, which is unbelievable in an arena with several thousand teenage girls."

"The death toll makes the Manchester bombing the deadliest attack of its kind in the UK since the blast that hit London’s transport network in 2005, killing 52 people. Notably, it took place less than three weeks before a British general election scheduled for June 8. All parties taking part in the race have suspended their campaigns until further notice."


love the way you laid this out, great format. nicely done!
I hope to do as good a job as this when I learn how to use this little magic

What I didn't expect...

No, the Manchester bombing was text book staged, on the 22nd no less, with the same people, and same police practice.

What I didn't expect was that one of my favorite short stories is also a Agatha Christie book. And Then There Were None by Erik Frank Russell. In it, no one dies, and the bureaucrats lose big and run away.

for pretty much all of us here you are speaking to the choir. I worry though about those ones that are not awake. I have moments of time where I must just stop and breathe. If it comes out too fast for the general public I am concerned for their health. I thought I was ready hmm maybe not, but I am willingto get it done as little as I know. I may explode or whatever but I just do not care. the rabbit hole is extremely deep and wide. xoxo

Love the space jam, thats gotta be the best.
Thanks for sharing.

Love the wolves one, totally keeping that pic. It's sad when 'acting like animals' is actually high praise.