What's that good sir? You'd like some news... but you don't have time today to read it all.... hmmm... Can I help with that? Well, I do believe I can. I have this thing called Meme the News. You'll get a healthy dose of the news along with some critical thinking skills. Warning: MtN may cause cognitive dissonance, cleft toes, and aural oblivion.
This will solve everything
Elite prefer Cosby to Trump
Why doesn't he start every conversation this way?
No more war!
oh look, Americans released from NK
I believe this to be true
it's like this plan has been around for a while
Blacks free thinking is now supremacist and nazi?!?
The gender nuetral furry scouts sounds awesome...
Wait for it... the Dems are fucking racist for this shit...
Hmmm - will probably throw most of my news stories away and cover the incredible harm Rudi boy Guillotine - ehm, Rudy Giuliani did two days ago to Trump and to over 50 per cent of the American people. Unreal!
BTW, @disarrangedJane is returning to the CHAOS Show today on @mspwaves
Lol, that man puting on skirt cot my attention.
IMO, most of the 'terrorist' attacks in the US were the work of an ad hoc team of US government operatives and contractors. This includes the WTC attacks (both 1993 and 2001), Oklahoma City, San Bernardino, Orlando, Sandy Hook, Las Vegas, and Parkland.
People who think their gov't would never mistreat or harm it's own citizens are living in a very dark, deep cave of ignorance, denial, apathy, and/or cowardice. The only way to keep our gov't relatively honest is for a critical mass of the citizens to come out of their caves and confront the problems any way they can. Once the gov't realizes it's losing its illusion of respectability, the tide will turn.
that's pretty cool to know, thanks for the tips by the way..
takes a lot of time/work to present this and is appreciated
Curated for #informationwar (by @wakeupnd)
Relevance: Sharing the truth.