
that's a myth. Look before the income tax. All those things already existed. It was done through private decisions and voluntary interaction. What right do you have to force me to pay? Or you and a few friends if you call yourselves government? What right do you have to take my property?

All those things already existed... You can't think of a road that needs repair? A school that can't pay their teachers enough? We can't allocate any fed money to healthcare either (god forbid) hey, lets give it back to Wall Street, Big Pharma, and the Military Industrial Complex! All those other things we need already exist right? Like proper, humane safety nets for the mentally disabled! That's already totally taken care of here, right? Yeah, no. I'm not talking about extorting you for all of your income, or taking your property. And I don't even know why I'm talking to you about it, neither of us call any of the shots here. But I believe that we need a massive tax overhaul that pushes money back into our countries' needs, so that we're not all just pissing away our money that goes to killing innocent people or paying for our Presidents golf vacations.

His point is that if you (or the government) take any money from anyone for any reason without their consent, it is by definition, theft. We can argue whether or not it is necessary for infrastructure, schools, etc. But it is still theft.

Yeah, understood. I'm not trying to argue over semantics, it just seems that if our tax dollars were truly working for America, we wouldn't have as much of a problem consenting to taxes right?