Israel was created after World War II. The Muslims never, in all their history, protected Jews. The Muslims only care about their own religion and converting other people to it.
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Israel was created after World War II. The Muslims never, in all their history, protected Jews. The Muslims only care about their own religion and converting other people to it.
well not exactly the truth. During Medieval times, Muslim rules were the only treating Jews with some degree of respect and let them be.
In Europe, hm, something else completely. During the reconquering of Spain, they were sunk together with Muslims if they did not get baptized.
today I think this hate is more politically. And there was an Israel till the destruction of the Jewish state from Romans in late first century, about 30 35 years after Crucifixion
"Although they were severely discriminated against and regulated in worship, movement, ownership of property, repairing of buildings etc., the early Arab period tolerated the presence of Christian and Jewish communities in the city with the Jewish population given the most freedom and benefices. However, the communities, especially the Christians were in essence second class citizens, forbidden to proselytize, worship outside of specific locations, limited in areas where they could travel, forced to bow before Muslim Mosques and Imams, charged to wear specific clothing, ordered to make way on the streets to Muslims, and limited in the number of pilgrims allowed to visit Holy sites. The Emperor Charlemagne started the precedent of Western European influence in the region under various treaties with the Caliphs establishing Frankish protection for pilgrims." -Wikipedia, "History of Jerusalem during the Middle Ages"
Ordering someone to accept second-class status is not "letting them be".
didn't western civilization do the same up to 20th century? I think these people (Israelis) have had enough, and are going to let anyone boss them around. and as you're quoting above, Christians were mostly considered second class.