Hi there.
I actually joined this project ICO tonight SOLELY because I saw your name involved @furion. I trust you.
I am not an IT guy.
I read all the paperwork, etc etc --- and sent my Ether over via my EXODUS wallet since I did not want to create another one, and feel for a year, I have enough wallets in my life.
It said join Telegram for help but the LSS --- I cannot join. I tried.
Can you help me / steemit chat or by email contact me --- to figure out how to find/unlock my tokens in my EXODUS wallet?
It said the 3 on the site were best but most wallets are fine but need extra steps and Exodus is a trusted wallet for me -- and lots of wallets out there.
I stayed up stupid late with my health issues here, to try and figure all this out.... then came to find you here LOL.
Thanks a lot, BD