🏁 VIEWLY ico date set for 22 February

in #viewly7 years ago (edited)

Exciting times ahead for Viewly and for those of us who were lucky enough to buy at the pre-ico

Looking forward to experience the hype of the ICO happening on 22nd Feb - coming up soon people

A few photographs from one of our training sessions in Cyprus with @starkerz @deimus @pandamama and myself


We've come a long way @patrickm - Viewly to the moon

Yep - exciting times ahead for us @deimus

Also happy to be a part of Viewly and the pre ico - one of the lucky ones @patrickm

So happy to be one of Viewly's creators - looking forward to the outcome of the ICO - and the future of Viewly - glad to be a part of it

Exciting times Patrick - I'll be keeping a keen eye open for the ICO - all the way from NY

Good times and good memories @patrickm - roll on 22 Feb

Viewly for those who want to go places. I'm glad to be a part of this amazing platform