I love what you guys are doing, I wanted to stream their a bit more but I never really got engagement, I’ll definitely invest a stream more their though to get you guys rolling. 💪🔥
Posted using Partiko iOS
I love what you guys are doing, I wanted to stream their a bit more but I never really got engagement, I’ll definitely invest a stream more their though to get you guys rolling. 💪🔥
Posted using Partiko iOS
No matter how many visitors the website has if you don't promote your stream properly, network with other streamers and engage with your viewers you will never have visitors. Otherwise every single streamer on twitch would be famous
I do all that? Lol. There just isn’t many streamers on vimm right now and most of the ones in my times zones don’t speak English (GER/POl) I always tweet saying I’m live, tell steemit ect, I’ve dropped into a few streams before and engaged. Most of them don’t really react to anything.
Posted using Partiko iOS
The more you stream, the more you will noticed! Even going around and chatting with other streamers goes a long way. @ddrfr33k regularly drops into other streamer's chats when he's not streaming and talk to them. You'd be amazed how many people return the favor...