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RE: Vinca - colour for a hot spot.

in #vinca7 years ago

Plant Vinca rosea in a well-draining spot with the poorest soil on your property. This plant does not grow well in fertile conditions. Transplant outdoors after all danger of frost has passed for your area and the soil warms up to at least 65 degrees Fahrenheit.


Locate Vinca roseas in full sun or partial shade. These plants love full sun, but appreciate a sunny spot that is partially shady during the hottest hours of the afternoon.


Apply 2 to 4 inches of mulch such as bark chips to the planting site. This helps retain soil moisture and discourages weed development.
Water newly planted Vinca rosea thoroughly to evenly moisten the soil but not enough to make it soggy or wet throughout the first growing season. Allow the soil surface to become dry to your touch before watering again. Once established, these drought-tolerant plants can survive on the available rainfall. Vinca rosea does not tolerate standing in water.


Feed Vinca rosea an all-purpose liquid or granular fertilizer for blooming plants once monthly throughout the growing season. Consult the packaging instructions for quantities.