Etymological Meaning of the Periwinkle Flower:
The Periwinkle has been a part of European history for thousands of years, so it’s only natural that the name comes from Latin through Old and Middle English. The flower was once called pervinca by the Romans, which slowly involved into the flower’s current name over the centuries.
Symbolism of the Periwinkle Flower:
The Periwinkle was a potent religious symbol tied to the Virgin Mary in the Middle Ages, so it’s not uncommon to see the little purple blossom peeking out of a stained glass window. Victorian flower language users assigned it the meaning of a beautifully blossoming friendship. It also means sharing the recollection of a pleasant memory from the past. In the Ukraine, it’s tied to folklore about love that lasts through the eternity. It’s given as a gift to newlyweds to wish them a long marriage, but it’s even used around candles in the hopes that they’ll last longer.
The Periwinkle Flower Facts:
The Periwinkle, also known as Vinca by its scientific name, features a star-shaped light blue or lavender flower. Some varieties are white or slightly pink. It’s commonly used as a bedding plant because it spreads quickly across the ground to form a low growing green layer that doesn’t need mowing or pruning.
Thanks for reading @ctrl-alt-nwo
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magoo-2 found these accounts are suspicious & can be multi accounts of a single owner. Conclusion is based on last 30 days transactions:
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You always blame me but no evidence
How can I use so much multi account ?
Answer me!!!@magoo-2
23 days ago Transfer 0.500 SBD from amalinavia Thanks for your felicitation!
I join the contest and I won this price.
It is not evidence and there are many account above and you just say one thing.
You are so funny!!!@magoo-2
When will you stop persecuting me? You are unsubstantially carrying gossip!
The 3rd pic is not Vinca.