This is not my finansial advise.
I going to buy those coin today,Those coin are totally cheap and supply are you can see,
Avialable is CoinExchange and withdraw fee are totally low
Avialable is CoinExchange and withdraw fee are totally low
link :
Avialable is YoBit and Cryptopia .Withdraw fee are totally low.
I really like Pakcoin alot! Easy 10bagger here with potential for much more!
i am holding pakcoin
they are develop their website
Not sure about the others, but I've been watching Neuro. Their site and brand isn't the best... If they fix many things and complete their roadmap, there's HUGE potential. The market cap is still under $1 million.
Neuro coin addad coinomi wallect,it's best to buy it.because i like coinomi wallect.