Anyone who works with at-risk youth understands that much more could be done toward addressing their needs. In the U.S. alone, many are warehoused in group homes with little or no opportunity to develop the necessary life skills to survive and thrive in today's world. Job markets are shifting faster than academic programs can keep up. Rather than create environments that nurture multiple and emotional intelligences, we drug our youth into submission and wonder why they choose to self-medicate and defy the 'system' that holds them captive. Adaptive systems and 'wrap-around' models in social services still only address the problems and symptoms of this decay in moral servitude. Survivors have learned to lay low and keep quiet in regard to challenging the 'system' as the bureaucratic nature has created a paradigm paralysis. Some have risen to leadership roles in these organizational monstrosities, doing what they can to affect change. Many are attending different colleges and even military universities in order to gain the skills they will need to bring about change in their own communities. Peer-community facilitators, as change agents, are few and far between in the development of alternative solutions to this growing problem. Developing a model community that demonstrates holistic integrated solutions seems to be in order. How do we do that?
Undue Duty
Just in case the gravity of the situation has not been made clear, the recent developments of war based on false information should bring some desire for greater accountability. The United States was led into a war based on what appears to be a corporate and/or personal agenda. Our society was numbed by 9-11 and manipulated into fear-based choices. In our world today families suffer from being ripped apart by a non-supportive society steeped in fearful responses to propoganda. Worldwide the suffering is exacerbated as the complexity of relationship issues rises exponentially. The global village seems to develop from arrogance rather than appreciation. Globalization seems to be increasing these inequities as we become more concerned with terrorists than tenderness.
Educational systems, family environments, and welfare agencies no longer nurture the creative spark in our children; the love and care every child deserves and needs. Adults and children who have overcome the myriad of abusive scenarios are teaching others, both young and old, of the necessity to love and be loved. The UK Youth are a prime example of the change that is happening in our younger generation now. The survivors as educators, parents, social workers, therapists, and visionaries are doing a fantastic job in nurturing those they can, sharing volumes of experience while harvesting their past and showing the rest of us the path to a new ordered world which shares accountability and responsibility toward our future generations and planetary stewardship.
One of the paradigm shifts necessary is to move away from pointing fingers at problems and recognize that we have at least three pointing back at us, offering us the opportunity to share solutions that bridge possibility with practicality. Results come in time, beyond the impatience of our consumerist society. Current management philosophy within the realms of 'best practices' calls for open communication and a systems approach to doing business, whether it be product or service oriented makes no difference. This holistic practice empowers people to make choices and decisions for which they feel inclusion in the carrying out of the company's mission.
We can apply this same philosophy to the development of new educational systems as well, expanding the learning environment from the classroom to the community, with holistic approaches to serving the youth and community. We often expect results from others without first teaching them the process necessary to achieve the results. We expect and even demand certain behaviors from our youth who've had no behavioral models or poor ones at best. Specialization in professions seems to contribute to the inability for adaptive behavior in the inclusion of holistic systems. Essentially, one hand does not know what the other is doing. How can we find wholeness in society with such dissociative and incongruous practices? Now we need to collectively look at what we can do to provide the foundation for a new or adjusted system that inspires everyone to do and be better on a daily basis, nurturing the natural desire to become more than we are as human beings; inspiring love, care and concern rather than fear, guilt and shame.
Campaigning for Consciousness
According to progressive child behaviorists, the nature of children is to seek connection with other children and the worlds of experience within reality. When allowed to nurture their own creative natures children evolve with pride, self-confidence, honor and respect for each other and the world around them. A recent European Youth Conference's 'white paper' illustrates these concepts. Can you imagine, just for a moment, a place for children to build a future for themselves in an empowering environment that supports their natural connections? What do you think would happen? The desire to explore their connections to life, love and the world around them offers us a unique opportunity to take our planet and its people into a healthy new millennium. Is it time we became the global family we know is necessary to continue life on planet Earth? Nobody says it will be easy. It can be fun, though. Holistic education is a growing attraction for educators that sincerely look forward to the development of this paradigm shift, creating collaborative alliances much the same as our various industries already have found works for the benefit of all.
Many authors across the gamut of progressive thinking including Bloom, Covey, Csikszentmihalyi, DeBono, Dyer, Gardner, Goleman, Hunter, Peters, Senge, and Tart are proposing that we look at the bigger picture of societal development. In many different voices they are all voicing the need for a collective reassessment of personal and professional goals and objectives as our civilization evolves. A systems approach to learning and living as ONE is recommended by even the most skeptical of futurists, requiring that we redesign and retool our economic and social systems to serve people better. We can start by asking ourselves what we can do as individuals and groups to help support this change of attitude and agenda. It is difficult, at best, for a population to address accountability and responsibility toward future commitments when, as family units, there is an alarming failure rate. We point fingers at problems without realizing that our way of life is the essential problem, from which all perspectives are skewed to one degree or another. Maybe it is time we looked at basic community development and how we can increase our chances of survival as families, nuclear or extended.
Mutants of the Monster
The reality is that we have also created at least two generations of children who have become angry, complacent and selfish in their actions and thinking to the point of violence beyond anything in history. Marketing spin doctors continue to escalate the 'consumerism' that is doing much to pollute our air, earth, and water without regard for the health and well-being of the individual, including direct to consumer marketing of pharmaceuticals that due more to promote a nation of addicts than healthy communities. This is a reflection of the state of our society, partnering with political correctness and profit-driven motives, turning our educational system into a promiscuous and permissive environment under threat of lawsuit for maintaining order or even mentioning God in the classroom. Why?
Not only in America have we seen such a transition of the value of education, ethics, and morals, where family units continue to break up at an alarming rate. This pattern is spreading to developing countries as well. Profit-driven media moguls have helped a great deal in this process with little regard for the social results. Parents, social workers and teachers are painfully aware of the gluttony of our youth today, especially in the West. We set them up through our neglect of what we say is important... healthy relationships. They are often scarred to confront situations due to fear of retaliation or repercussions from administrators bound to dysfunctional systems. Unfortunately, the United States is influencing the rest of the world in the same fashion. Many 'third world' countries are suffering from the results of consumer advertising and marketing now. Will it end? How can we manage change more effectively?
Service providers, organized religion, and even corporations have become nothing more than dysfunctional families unable to communicate their needs and wants effectively, let alone meet them. We have created a system that not only enables this to continue; we feel helpless and hopeless in the face of what seems to be an unstoppable proliferation of adversity. Rapid industrial development and accompanying social shifts were difficult to manage effectively on a large scale and many well-intentioned programs have failed. In a victimless mindset we must begin to ask ourselves how to change this trend; sharing the solutions and ways to implement them as quickly as possible with every institution engaging youth today. The youth themselves are begging us in so many blatantly obvious ways.
The phrase 'can we all just learn to get along?' echoes in the hearts and minds of humanity as we blaze forward in a technology-driven evolution of society now, even more demanding than the industrial revolution because of the increase in communication networks, computer-driven intelligent systems, and human ignorance of the relationship imbalance between man, machine, and environment. How can we use this technology effectively for the benefit of all instead of the desensitization of community values, morals, and ethical practices? There are some individual, corporate, and educational leaders who are making great strides already, yet there is no 'model' that brings everything together in one place that is publicly funded.
Help is on its way...
We need a demonstrable model of harmony in meaning and purpose, science and spirituality (connectedness); a place where the learning and living environment are one; a self-sufficient state-of -the-art village that utilizes modern technology, yet honors the indigenous cultural traditions that enhance life and living. A model providing a symbiotic and synergistic presence; a community designed to care for its children by empowering the adults who provide for them. Motivation for education would come naturally, facilitated through programs designed to bring out the innate abilities and aptitudes of our youth and the adults responsible for them. We develop our realities from within the scope of conception, making the outer world reflect our inner knowing. Children are still vulnerable and open to explore life with the intensity many adults desire and have lost. Can you remember a time when you felt anything was possible? Revisit that feeling for a moment. Why not empower our children to show us the future? Can we return to the innocence of a child and ask what can be done now?
Intense research and study have helped us to see a way out of this dilemma...Genesis II Multiverse Communities. Spectrum Academy is just one of the opportunities that addresses holistic education inclusion in developing new schools. Removing children from harmful environments, such as the current juvenile justice system does, is only a temporary adjustment or Band-Aid to the problem, like taking a fish out of a dirty fish tank, wiping it off, and throwing it back in with expectations of survival, let alone success. It is the fish tank that needs to be cleaned. How do we do that? Is it possible to integrate residential treatment centers, charter schools, community technology centers, and peer community concepts to work synchronistically? Is it possible to create unity in the diversity we face? The answer is.... YES!
Can we adapt what we know about peer mediation and alternative dispute resolution to empower choice and decision models that inspires our youth to live responsibly and that empowers corporate change? It is a bit difficult to comprehend when we've taught folks not to challenge authority. 'Father knows best' is outdated and unproductive. It seems our very survival, according to the honest analysts, depends on consumerism, cultural genocide, and environmental destruction for the sake of fossil fuels, fast foods, and corporate profits. Can we acknowledge that we are headed in an undesirable direction? Better yet, can we accept that we've done the best we could with limited information and resources in the past and now that we have better information and greater resources to affect positive change? We do not need war. History's scientific analysis shows that economies built on war are environmentally hazardous and certainly do not fit any life-friendly criteria, in spite of the arguments to the contrary. Chaos is only the beginning of the process of establishing natural order. Conflict, used wisely, evolves into harmony. People can make different choices.
The Vision Realized
Genesis II
Multiverse Communities Abstract
(hyperlinks offer documentation and/or supportive info)
Imagine an edutainment village; an environmentally friendly terrasphere designed to engage the common sense of everyone within it. 'Common sense' is defined as what is intrinsic to our human nature, the connectedness of people across cultures, that nurtures our relationship to each other and the world. Common sense seems to be so rare these days. Imagine if life was like Disneyland.
Education is the foundation of living responsibly in a world full of choices. The first of its kind, always amusing, an exploration and feast for the imagination that excites our neural networks. What is the ONE thing that people want the most? Once the basic physical needs are met, people long for FUN! They want toys. They want playmates. They want to be amused. They want to experience joy. That is why entertainment villages are so successful. People also crave challenge and purpose in their daily lives to anchor their efforts.
Further, they will have time to pursue spiritual growth which will become a daily living meditation rather than a longing for heaven and the afterlife. Like Nietzsche's proposal: "Companions the creator seeks, not corpses, not herds and believers. Fellow creators the creator seeks--those who write new values on new tablets." Corporations will partner with the village to develop future products, services, and life-friendly technology. They will train the youth, who will apprentice adults on tasks for retrofitting the economy and division of labor restructuring necessary for the 21st Century. Participants will generate an economy from the village as well, directly participating in the development of economic and relationship networks. Once a pilot village is operational, other communities across the globe will develop with considerations for local components; agricultural, environmental, and social.
Obviously, there is a need for an integrated approach toward the 21st century and beyond. Systems-thinking has been introduced into the corporate world at last. Leaders are empowering 'learning organizations' in an effort to meet the tremendous demands for change across the gamut of industry. As vast as these needs for integration may seem, they revolve around basic human and environmental considerations. For several decades now there has been talk of the global community yet, to date there has been no scale example; no working model of sustainable technologies that respect people and planet. Recognizing there are some efforts being made on the physical plane, we've globalized into cyberspace through the World Wide Web yet the physical example of infrastructure, physical plant facilities and working integrated programs has not yet been accomplished. Education and entertainment need to merge for the dynamics of the 21st century generations to unfold... a new edutainment field that engages all the senses. 21st Century media for a 21st Century audience would greatly benefit the process of change and growth we sorely need.
It is time for us to create physical examples of what we hold so dear in our hearts: Unity - harmony of people and planet, demonstrated by the development of communities that put all our modern discoveries to work. The village truly can raise the child, and vice versa. These communities incorporate a full-spectrum approach toward integrating ecological, psycho-spiritual and scientific technologies. The pressing need to rally concerned persons is being felt throughout humankind, especially in the past few years and even more recently. The numbers of people who share this feeling is growing exponentially as the Cultural Creatives forge into the future with open minds and hearts, desiring to do what is best for all. Its amazing that when we truly focus on these things, life does become FUN! A new wave of edutainment integrated into the living and working environment is on its way. Community technology centers provide a way for people to begin to share technology in open environments where learning of young and old alike can facilitate greater community cohesion.
When the People Lead, the Leaders Will Follow
The model to be discussed here, known as Genesis II, is a self-sustaining community integrating ecological, educational, organizational, psychospiritual, scientific and technological concepts and designs that promote a naturally evolving interdependent environment, one that synergizes rather than separates humans. This is a place where harmony of purposeful passion is the foundation and connecting fiber, a symbiotic expression of co-creators and their creation.
The proposed physical structure of nine concentric circles, consistent with ancient numerological foundations, incorporates intervals based on the golden mean, a mathematical constant found throughout quantum sciences and natural order within the genetic structure of man and nature. The design team has the final say, as they will have the facts and figures from discovery and research of sacred geometry for structural design. This includes architectural as well as geomagnetic design elements.
The proposed location for the first facility is in the desert Southwest United States around Phoenix, Arizona. It seems only fitting to honor the rising from the ashes of human chaos and destruction in this place, holding the vision of a new living awareness of humanitarian and life-friendly features. The structures are partially subterranean and covered with earth so the exterior remains close to the natural environments, ideal for the desert or practically any location. It is also possible to use these designs for relocating towns and villages that have been devastated by man or nature. If there is any silver lining in destruction, it is the chance to begin anew.
Even though it may be a stretch to perceive at present, the incorporation of extraterrestrial intelligence and scientific technology will also be an important factor. It is obvious this technology is available as even our governments can no longer manipulate cover ups, although 'real' data is still a bit nebulous The technology is just not being used effectively for serving humanity's current needs. We have a right to its use as an integral part of our future edutainment, eco-system regeneration, alternative energy development, and sustainable living systems.
In fact, it has been said that when humanity rallies together to serve one another, then open contact will begin to help us restore the damage we've done. Regardless of the involvement of 'friendly ETs' we still have the pressing need to work together as ONE. Sharing in the process demonstrates caring for our fellow planetary citizens. Remember most have been programmed to first be extremely skeptical of anything new, and especially of change. As with any new invention... it soon becomes the greatest thing since sliced bread. The alternative MIC view might be to create a common enemy with global implications so that our attention can be manipulated to serve other purposes. Do we really want that?
Light and Sound Create Form from the Formless...
The purpose of the development of Genesis II is to bring together pioneering personnel from proactive projects throughout commerce, education, and industry to mastermind a fully functional model community with a state-of-the-art holistic school at its core. This model is designed, planned, and prepared to face the challenges of the 21st century with collaboration, cooperation, skill and precision exampling our best efforts. These areas include: administration/management, agua/agriculture, alternative energy, architecture, broadcasting, communications, computer science, creative arts, cultural studies, ecosystems, engineering, information resources, holistic medicine, multi-media, parapsychology, civil planning, scientific technology, staffing, telecommunications and waste reduction. Every mandatory mechanism and system necessary for sustainable community development, embracing technology as it develops, will be present in Genesis II.
Designed to produce in excess of its requirements, Genesis II feeds back into the surrounding community, nurturing positive change for all. Our efforts demonstrate the knowledge and expertise available globally now. Until we can demonstrate our willingness to act in collaboration for collective benefit our success as a global society will be limited at best. It is evident to the entire world that we have visitors just waiting to assist. What are they waiting for? They are waiting for humanity to take action on its own first. We have to make the first steps to become a unified world community, sharing resources responsibly, respecting all our relations, becoming a global family. Anything short of this will not achieve the end of the destruction of our planet or her people through the purposeful consumption of her resources and the destruction of her natural order. This too shall pass. Our general philosophy is empowered through the development of an Center for Future Consciousness which provides the framework for discovery and research.
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