in #visit8 years ago

Meuseukat is a traditional cake that looks like dodol. Uniquely, the surface of the meuseukat is usually decorated with various beautiful shapes full of details, such as the form of roses, the door of Aceh traditional house or other carvings.
This ivory white cake has a soft texture like Dodol chewy. The taste is so sweet. The use of pineapple makes meuseukat often called dodol pineapple.
Related to the color, meuseukat contains profound philosophy. The people of Aceh are known to greatly glorify the guests. Not only from behavior, but also when serving food. The white color meuseukat symbolizes the clarity of the hearts of Acehnese when welcoming guests.
This philosophy makes meuseukat get the most respectable place in the traditional cake line of Aceh. Meuseukat is also served more at special moments, especially when welcoming guests. Meusekat also often become the conductor in the process of tueng dara baroe (picking the bride) after the wedding. Similarly, during the celebration of the big day like Idul Fitri and Eid al-Adha. The goal is to welcome family and relatives who comes.
Well the process of making any, Meuseukat does not use additional dyes. White color meuseukat emerged from the use of wheat flour. While the yellowish color obtained from pineapple. Meuseukat processing takes a long time and patience. To make it, flour is cooked with water, orange juice and pineapple. Earlier pineapple and orange were filtered first so as not to appear fiber in the dough. After that, the dough of flour and butter is added to the sugar water. The dough mixture is cooked over low heat while stirring using a wooden spoon for at least two hours. When it is cooked, the cake is put in a container and given a plastic pad so as not to stick and more easily cut.


Meuseukat merupakan kue tradisional yang mirip dodol. Uniknya, Permukaan meuseukat biasanya dihias dengan beragam bentuk cantik yg ​penuh detil​, seperti bentuk bunga mawar, pintu ​rumah ​Aceh atau ukiran lainnya.

Kue berwarna putih gading ini mempunyai tekstur seperti dodol yang lunak kenyal. Citarasanya pun manis legit. Penggunaan buah nanas membuat meuseukat kerap disebut dodol nanas.

Terkait warnanya tersebut, meuseukat mengandung filosofi mendalam. Masyarakat Aceh dikenal sangat memuliakan tamu. Tak hanya dari perilaku, namun juga saat menyajikan makanan. Warna putih meuseukat melambangkan kejernihan hati masyarakat Aceh ketika menyambut tamu. Filosofi ini membuat meuseukat mendapat tempat paling terhormat dalam jejeran kue tradisional Aceh.

Meuseukat juga lebih banyak disajikan pada momen khusus terutama saat menyambut tamu. Meusekat juga kerap kali menjadi hantaran pada proses tueng dara baroe (menjemput pengantin wanita) setelah pernikahan. Begitu pula pada saat perayaan hari besar seperti Idul Fitri dan Idul Adha. Tujuannya untuk menyambut keluarga dan kerabat yang datang bekunjung.

Nah proses pembuatannya pun,
meuseukat tidak menggunakan tambahan pewarna. Warna putih meuseukat muncul dari pemakaian tepung terigu. Sedangkan warna kekuningan didapat dari nanas.

Proses pengolahan meuseukat memerlukan waktu lama dan ketelatenan. Untuk membuatnya, tepung terigu dimasak dengan air, air jeruk dan nanas. Sebelumnya nanas dan jeruk disaring dahulu agar tidak muncul serat dalam adonan. Setelah itu, adonan tepung dan mentega ditambahkan ke dalam air gula.
Campuran adonan dimasak dengan api kecil sambil diaduk menggunakan sendok kayu selama minimal ​ dua jam. Bila sudah matang, kue dimasukkan dalam wadah dan diberi alas plastik agar tak lengket serta lebih mudah dipotong.

Selamat menikmati👐

#meuseukat #dodol #kulineraceh #acehrayeuk #ayokeacehbesar #thelightofaceh #pesonaAceh #pesonaindonesia