Hello! buddies
Today I gonna share with you guy,s info about lion which I had seen in a zoo ,I had seen many animal there but here, wanna share about lion. First of all it is important to tell you it is a different information and interesting as well you can read, collected from some friend and from programs, which I,ll like to share you, I could not take plenty and good photographs of lion due to fear. I could take one with the help of Huawei y7 . .see
First of all I,ll like to tell you that I have heard that if the lion does not taste the blood of a human being he does not become dangerous for human being, once he taste the blood of human he become harmful for humans and then he can smell the humans from some distance and can tear into piece . This fact is famous about those lions which are kept as a pet.
Lion dose not drink left over water of a dog and .The lion has less desire of drinking water and he has less saliva,he chew his prey,s a little and swallow the meat. One very interesting fact about lion is that he becomes fearful after listening the terrible voice of the cat.
The lioness never gives birth to their cubs in the presence of other animals she gives birth to her cubs far away from other animals and never shows her cubs before six or six and a half week.Their cubs are very playful.
So this was the information,I was anxious to share with you guy,z.
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