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RE: A little anal action

in #vit5 years ago (edited)

Of course, you are entitled to vote how you wish, and I will continue to support content creators.
I am however surprised at how quick you are to jump on telling someone else how to express their own opinion and right of speech regarding ones own votes.
Guess i was just reacting to looking at their voting patterns on the explorer and only voting on themselves as opposed to other content creators too. last 50 votes all self votes.


Her Votes are to do with what she wishes. As yours are as well. But comments like that are what drive people away from the platform.

No infighting people, we got enough of that already. You are both great people who are helping VIT forward tremendously and I apprreciate both of you for your relentless efforts. And what self-voting is concerned I guess it comes down to: Don't hate the player, hate the code :D I don't know what Dan Larimer was thinking when he came up with the self-voting option but it is (one of) the Achilees heel(s) of everything he has been creating. We are still in the early stages of this and this is a period is which we learn what works and what doesn't. What I learned so far is that whatever Dan Larimer was involved in is structurally flawed and (not yet) future proof.

Oh, and guess what, canadian-vixen signed up on :)

I Agree. Glad to hear that she signed up too. Thanks for letting us know Yogi. 😘