Vitamix A2500 - recipes

in #vitamix7 years ago (edited)

We got a Vitamix for Christmas, tonight was the night to unbox and make smoothies. Here are the first experiments.

We decided to make up our own recipes for this night. In the first one we used 1 cup of plain yogurt, then 1 cup of blueberries, 1- cup of raw broccoli, 1 carrot, 1/2 cucumber, 1 cup of strawberries & 1/2 + cup of ice. It was pretty easy to work, we made sure the lid was sealed, locked , turned the dial to the photo of smoothie and pushed the lever on. It took 50 seconds then, wow - it turned out pretty good, I can taste the broccoli and carrots thru the strawberry flavor. Maybe a little more then desired, but I got a good dose of veggies and fruits. It was good enough to drink all of it, I actually think we will do this combo on a regular basis. Then it was my daughters turn to make up her own version. Here it is: This one has more berries and less veggies. We started the same with 1 cup of plain yogurt, then 1- tbsp of flax seed,
1-pomegranate ( new fruit for the entire family), then 1 cup of raspberries, 1- large honey crisp apple, 1/2 + cup of ice.
It was a great recipe, maybe a little too much acid for my system, but great tasting all the same. This will be fun to customize more recipes over the course of this new journey. Improving our health and a better diet incorporating more vegetables and fruits into our daily intake in an easy way. Yah!!