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RE: On VIVA and TradeQwik - A Heart to Heart from Dawn - August 5, 2018

in #viva7 years ago (edited)

Keep in mind that you were neither shareholders nor investors in VHL

Let alone liquid assets, I've bought software licence to operate a mint on viva blockchain, which was never delivered. In my country it would be very easy for me to claim back money and force bankruptcy afterwards if necessary.
In many cases the voluntary bankruptcy would be more benefitial for the debitor.

The only thing a court would do in the case of tradeqwik whether Chapter 7 or 13 is stop further litigation against the person seeking protection and the court would order either a liquidation or a restructuring. We're already going beyond what

In my country the court would do more then that, it would also give me access to the audits full financial data - the information you keep on hiding away from me.

I can tell you it is rare to see all creditors repaid let alone investors. The average is a $0.01 on the dollar.

Having been on both sides of bankruptcy process I can tell you that it very much depends either the bankruptcy was premeditated or organic.
